Wednesday, April 8, 2015

SymMover 1.5.1510 免安裝版 - 程式搬移工具 把遊戲搬到其他分割區繼續使用

程式搬移工具 - SymMover,把灌好的遊戲從系統槽搬到D槽或其他硬碟分割區?那應該不能執行了吧?通常是這樣沒錯!但這個軟體就是可以辦到,它會在程式搬移之後在新舊位置之間建立雙向的連結,使搬移的程式或資料夾可以正常的運作;或許你只是想要把比較大的遊戲或程式搬到其他分割區以免佔用磁碟空間(如:比較貴的SSD固態硬碟),這個小程式可以輕鬆辦到,免去重新安裝的麻煩,而且也可以把移走的程式再移回原來存放的位置,注意:使用此程式必須要有管理者權限!僅支援Windows 7/Vista,系統分割區必須為NTFS格式(一般都是)。(阿榮)(下載

官方網站:Moba Software
系統需求:Windows 7/Vista(32及64位元)

SSDs, or solid-state drives, are much faster than the fastest disk drive, but their price-to-capacity ratio means that most users who boot their systems from an SSD don't have much extra room for programs and data, especially big stuff like video and games. The usual solution is to park data and even Temp folders on a conventional HDD, but that can compromise the performance that you paid for when you bought an SSD, and some programs and games might not even run. Moba's SymMover offers an interesting alternative. This simple freeware moves data to another disk and creates a "junction" linking the old destination and the new one. Your software and games will still run normally from the new destination. But you can also use SymMover to quickly shuttle your data back and forth between disks, letting you keep the games and software you use most on your SSD or other main drive and store your other data on a slower high-capacity disk. (

1) 按視窗中間藍色「+」號按鈕,選取要搬移的程式或資料夾。
2) 在左方窗格(Folders in Source)會列出所有準備移動的項目。
3) 按下綠色「→」箭頭按鈕就可以開始搬移。

[2015.04.09] 比較同類型軟體(Steam Mover)之後,覺得此軟體應該也支援Windows 8/8.1,再請讀者測試看看。

下載連結→ [按此下載免安裝版]

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