Thursday, March 5, 2015

Startup Delayer 3.0.363 中文版 - 讓程式延後啟動的軟體

Startup Delayer
Startup Delayer - 啟動項目延遲工具,可以設定讓隨Windows啟動的程式延遲一定的時間再來啟動,也實現了對啟動項目排序執行的夢想,例如:有些防毒軟體的病毒碼自動更新總是在ADSL還沒自動連線時就執行,便可以應用這個程式,把防毒軟體的執行設定一個延遲的時間,達到排序的效果,按照你指定的順序來執行,類似的困擾,用它就可迎刃而解。(阿榮)(下載

[2013.12.03] 感謝讀者「沙威龍」通知改版訊息。

Startup Delayer allows you to setup how many seconds after Windows has started, to load each program.
For Example:
If you have your mail program and a special clock starting up, then you can make your mail start say 10 seconds after Windows has loaded, and then the special clock start 20 seconds after Windows Starts.


※中文切換方式:〔Options〕→Active Language下拉式選單中選取「Chinese Tradtional」。
※注意:電腦必須有安裝「.NET Framework 3.5」才可以執行此程式!

下載連結→ [按此下載中文安裝版]

安裝版 [3.0.363] [3.0.362] [3.0.360] [3.0.359] [3.0.357] [3.0.355] [3.0.354] [3.0.353] [3.0.352] [3.0.351] [3.0.338] [3.0.337] [3.0.333]

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