Wednesday, November 19, 2014

ToolWiz Time Freeze - 取代RVS的軟體還原卡/電腦時光機

ToolWiz Time Freeze
ToolWiz Time Freeze
免費電腦軟體還原卡 - ToolWiz Time Freeze,有「Time Freeze」跟「File Locker」兩大功能,「Time Freeze」功能啟動後,會把所有電腦的異動(如:安裝移除軟體)都暫存起來,當停止該功能時,可以選擇儲存或者還原!「File Locker」可以保護資料夾或檔案,經保護後會拿掉檔案的變更跟讀取權限,以防止病毒感染或檔案安全;另外,軟體介面可以設定密碼保護,以防止他人變更設定。(阿榮)(下載

ToolWiz Time Freeze is an effective Instant System Restore software to keep your computer system safe and protect your computer from undesired changes. It can also protect your files and folders from changes with a secure password protection.

※支援的作業系統:Windows XP/Vista/7/8 (32及64位元)

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