Sunday, October 12, 2014

Bat To Exe Converter 2.1.4 免安裝版 - Bat轉Exe工具

Bat To Exe Converter
Bat To Exe Converter
批次檔打包工具 - Bat To Exe Converter,常常寫一些批次檔(*.bat、*.cmd)嗎?這個小程式幫你把批次檔(Batch file)編譯成執行檔(*.exe),也就是Bat轉Exe,不僅如此,還可以寫入完整的檔案資訊加入多個批次檔、實現原始碼的保護–讓程式不出現Command Line畫面於背景執行(Ghost applications)、加入專屬小圖示(*.ico),最重要是免費!(阿榮)(下載


Bat To Exe-Converter converts batch-script files to exe files.
Some Features and differences to usual batch files
- Ghost applications
- Additional binaries, icons, versioninformations
- Hidden source

關鍵字:cmd to exe freeware, bat to exe feeware, cmdtoexe, battoexe, cmd2exe, bat2exe

下載連結→ [按此下載免安裝版]

免安裝版 [2.1.4] [2.1.3] [2.1.1] [2.1] [2.0] [1.7] []

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