Wednesday, September 24, 2014

WebEx Recorder and Player - Cisco出品的螢幕錄影及播放工具

WebEx Recorder and Player
WebEx Recorder and Player
免費螢幕錄影軟體 - WebEx Recorder and Player,內建WRF(WebEx Recording Format)格式播放工具(WebEx Player)及螢幕錄影工具(WebEx Recorder),是採用自由軟體授權,軟體很陽春但效果不俗,錄製10分鐘的桌面影音教學大概只花4MB,而錄製對象可以是桌面(Windows Desktop)或者是單一的程式,只不過它錄製好的影片副檔名正是它專用的WRF格式。(阿榮)(下載

If you have recorded your own WebEx session, use free WebEx Player to watch it. The .WRF (WebEx Recording Format) player is used to watch recordings of WebEx sessions you've made yourself and saved to your computer. You can edit .WRF files and convert them to .WMV (Windows Media Video) format by using the WebEx Recording Editor, which is a separate download.

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