Saturday, June 14, 2014

Snap2HTML 1.92 免安裝版 - 輸出目錄結構


資料夾樹狀目錄輸出軟體 - Snap2HTML,支援萬國碼(Unicode),能夠將資料夾結構產出為單一HTML檔(樣本),還內建搜尋框可以搜尋檔案,可以包含隱藏檔(Include hidden items)、包含系統檔(Include system items)、連結至檔案(Link files),在你想要把某個資料夾底下包含的檔案結構分享給別人時,這個免費軟體就可以派上用場!(阿榮)(下載

[2012.10.15] 輸出的HTML檔於IE、Firefox讀取正常,但於Chrome第一次讀取時只出現標題區塊,按右鍵「重新載入」才會正常!

Snap2HTML takes a "snapshot" of folder structures on your harddrive and saves as HTML files. What's unique about Snap2HTML is that the HTML file uses modern techniques to make it feel more like a "real" application, similar to Windows Explorer, displaying a treeview with folders that you can click to view the files contained within. There is also a built in file search. Still, everything is contained in a single HTML file that you can easily store or distribute.

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免安裝版 [1.92] [1.9] [1.51]

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