Saturday, December 28, 2013

EasyEyez Free 2013.12.24 - 手機抗藍光護眼軟體 [Android]

EasyEyez Free
EasyEyez Free
Android手機抗藍光護眼軟體 - EasyEyez Free,夜間看電子產品的螢幕,眼睛會受藍光傷害,作者受到「Flux」的啟發,特別開發Android專用的抗藍光軟體,利用調整手機的亮度及色調,讓手機色調變為比較溫暖的顏色,以降低藍光的傷害,進而避免無法入眠、眼睛病變等問題的發生,不過,免費版必須手動設定暖度、亮度,無法自動依照時間調整。(阿榮)(下載

軟體名稱:EasyEyez Free
Android軟體下載:[按此從Google Play下載]

Trouble sleeping? Device screen too bright even on the lowest brightness setting? Want to give your phone a warm look instead of that eye straining blue gaze you see at night? EasyEyez is the solution. Inspired by Flux for the PC, EasyEyez changes your device's color temperature to reduce eye strain when looking at your device at night. Looking at a lower and natural light source gives your body a chance to produce more melatonin, helping to provide you with better sleep. With EasyEyez, you can now look at your phone at any point during the night while keeping your eyes in an easy, restful state.


必須手動設定暖度(Warm Filter Level)、亮度(Brightness Filter Level),設定後要重新開啟眼睛才會套用。


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