Tuesday, October 23, 2012

MouseBot 1.0 免安裝版 - 自動移動滑鼠的軟體

防止電腦自動休眠或進入螢幕保護程式最笨的方法 - MouseBot,能夠在你指定的秒數間隔自動移動滑鼠,以避免電腦進入睡眠狀態或是啟動螢幕保護程式,自己的電腦應該用不到這個軟體,或許某天在外面使用公用電腦(沒有任何修改設定的權限)時才會派上用場!(阿榮)(下載

Prevent a Windows PC from sleeping - the silly way: move the mouse cursor on a timer!
Sometimes, usually at work, you have no control over a computer's settings. The sysadmin is nowhere to be found or refuses to help you. You are accessing a server as a guest or your workstation won't allow you to make any changes.

下載連結→ [按此下載免安裝版]

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