Fresh UI
Fresh UI
Fresh UI–免費系統調校工具,讓你用更方便的點選方式,更改數百種的隱藏設定,包括使用者介面、系統設定、硬體設定、視窗程式設定、使用者環境與群組原則...等等。(阿榮)(下載

[2007.08.16] 雖然說是免費軟體,規定還滿多的,得先用一個非免費信箱取得確認信,按確認信裡的下載連結後,才會發送免費註冊碼給你;如果你沒索取註冊碼,每次開啟後都要等數分鐘,才可以使用!滿令人反感的~

Fresh UI is a fresh solution for configuring and optimizing Windows. Loaded with hundreds of useful hidden settings in Windows 7 / Vista/ XP / 2000 / NT / 98 / 95 / Me, this software covers the customizing and optimizing techniques that you'll be glad to know, such as:

* Customizing Windows User Interface (UI)
* Optimizing system settings
* Optimizing hardware settings
* Customizing Windows application settings
* Controlling user environment with policies

關鍵字:freshui, frui.exe, FreshUI_Portable

[改版訊息] [免安裝版]


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