Sunday, July 29, 2012

Photo Black & Color 1.0 免安裝版 - 圖片去背景顏色工具

Photo Black and Color
Photo Black and Color
照片去背景顏色軟體 - Photo Black & Color,先點選要保留的色彩,按一下執行按鈕(Execute),就可以保留點選的顏色,去除未點選的顏色,讓他們變成黑白色調,輕輕鬆鬆就可以製作出專業級的漂亮圖片。(阿榮)(下載

Photo Black & Color allows you to make a partial desaturation on an image by selecting the colors to keep. The partial desaturation is when you preserve a colored subject and let the rest of the image grayscaled..

關鍵字:Photo Black and Color, PhotoBC

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