Saturday, September 24, 2011

Rightload 2.0.1 免安裝版 - 圖片或檔案免空及FTP上傳工具

FTP及圖片上傳工具 - Rightload,在圖片或檔案上點一下,利用滑鼠右鍵選單就可以把圖片或檔案輕鬆上傳「免費空間」,也算是款好用的貼圖工具!另外,也可以當作是FTP用戶端來使用,自訂FTP來上傳檔案,對於空間重度使用者來說,無不是如虎添翼!安裝版可以使用滑鼠右鍵來上傳檔案。(阿榮)(下載

[2009.04.22] 上次更新:2008/9/23。
[2010.11.13] 2.0 Beta 安裝後與「Everything」相衝,搜尋到檔案後按右鍵會當掉。
[2011.09.25] 實測免空檔案上傳沒一個成功!圖片上傳只有「Imgur」正常,越來越糟糕。

Rightload is a small program that allows you to quickly upload files directly from a Windows folder to your server. Instead of using complicated software just to upload a few pictures, you just right-click on the files, select the server and target folder and Rightload will do the rest for you.

There are also a lot of additional features for advanced users including:

* Automatic thumbnail creation
* Creating a list of uploaded files in BB-Code or HTML to paste into forums or websites
* Support for HTTP upload sites like ImageShack

[改版訊息] [安裝版]

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