Sunday, February 13, 2011

Comica 1.07 免安裝版 (1.11 安裝版) - 好用的看漫畫軟體

好用的看漫畫軟體 - Comical,漫畫瀏覽功能優於下載功能的免費軟體,可以匯入下載回來的漫畫,按鍵盤快速鍵「F11」切換全螢幕,利用右上角的工具列來快速換頁、跳頁。(阿榮)(下載

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\Comical

[2011.02.07] 1.10版起軟體名稱從「Comical」改為「Comica」。

Comica(Comical) is a comic downloader and viewer that utilises a custom-built framework for the parsing and downloading of comics from websites. The framework uses an open XML format that allows anyone to add support for additional comics.

v1.11; 10th February, 2011.
- Added: Language definition attribute. Default is English.
- Fixed: Exception due to BiQubic.Update and/or BiQubic.Pique at startup.
- Fixed: Minor interface colour issue with the Welcome screen when in full-screen mode.
- Fixed: Suggest Comic was truncating comments if they contained an apostrophe.
- Other: If PublisherUrl is not present, LastestComicUrl will be used instead.
- Other: Updated Pique.

※注意:電腦必須有安裝「.NET Framework 4.0」才可以執行此程式!

下載連結→ [免安裝版] [安裝版]

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