Sunday, October 17, 2010

RSS(RVS) 3.1.7414.5023 Beta 中文版 (3.2.10351.5418 英文版) - 虛擬還原卡軟體

虛擬還原卡 - Returnil System Safe(RSS,舊名RVS),大家比較常聽的大概就是硬體還原卡,而這個軟體的功能就是類似還原卡,安裝的時候可以選擇是否產生一個虛擬的磁碟分割區,利用啟用「System Safe」切換保護功能的開關,在「ON」的狀態下,所有對於「C」分割區的變更在重新開機的時候都會失效,在「OFF」的狀態下則無作用,支援的作業系統有Windows XP/2003 Server/Vista/2008 Server/7 (32-bit/64-bit),個人版僅供家庭用戶或個人使用,如果家裏的小孩喜歡在電腦上亂搞,用這個軟體,把「System Safe」開在ON,就讓他隨便玩吧!如果臨時想要對系統進行保護,而又不想開機,可以馬上啟用「System Safe」,例如:阿榮現在想玩一些奇奇怪怪的軟體,而又不想讓他存在我的電腦上,這個功能就相當好用!重新開機後剛剛做了什麼動作,它都忘得一乾二淨了!(迷幻藥嗎?...)(阿榮)()(下載

[2007.09.27] 由於 1.62.4107 Final 版尚未有設定介面密碼的功能,所以釋出 Beta 版!
[2010.01.11] 軟體安裝後可以選擇以免費版來執行,2010 版新增防毒功能(Virus Guard),但容易誤判不建議開啟!上次更新:2008/3/21。
[2010.10.17] 新增 2011 版載點,安裝後可以選擇「免費版」,沒有中文。

RVS is a completely new product that uses a combination of antivirus, antimalware and a virtual system to protect your computer from all types of viruses and other malicious threats.

RVS uses an advanced anti-malware and virtualization technology. It clones (copies) your operating system and creates a virtual environment for your PC. Instead of loading the native operating system, a clone is loaded that allows you to run your applications and perform your online activities in an entirely isolated environment. In this manner, your actual operating system is never affected by viruses, Trojans, malware and other malicious threats. To return to the actual operating system environment, you just need to restart your PC. While working in the virtual environment, you have the option of saving documents and files so that your data will not be lost when the system is restarted.

關鍵字:影子系統,Returnil Virtual System

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