Sunday, August 8, 2010

Start My Day 2.0 免安裝版 - 一次開啟多個程式

Start My Day
Start My Day
一次開啟多個程式 - Start My Day,科技始終來自於惰性,阿榮曾經想把每天固定維護部落格要開啟的程式寫成批次檔,只為了不用每天去執行同樣的動作,而這個程式卻正好符合這個需求;用法:切換到「Applications」頁面→把常用程式拖放到主程式介面→儲存→按〔Run all Processes in the viewable dialog〕一次執行所有表列程式。(阿榮)(下載

Start My Day is a first of its kind freeware process launcher for Windows users. Simply put, Start My Day is for those users who hate going through the same process each day, loading this and that.

關鍵字:smd, startmyday


下載連結→ [按此下載免安裝版]

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