Saturday, April 10, 2010

GreatNews 免安裝中文版 - RSS Reader

免費RSS閱讀器 - GreatNews,程式免安裝、不需額外安裝.NET或Java Runtime,所有需要的檔案都已內建,有包括中文的多國語系介面,特色有全頁閱讀、簡樸明快的顯示風格、標籤分類讓閱讀更有效率、閱讀統計統計你最常點閱的頻道、追蹤最新動態、自動偵測RSS/OPML連結。(阿榮)()(下載

* 支援所有主要的Feed格式,包含RSS 0.9x, 1.0(rdf), 2.0, Atom 0.30 與1.0。支援各種熱門擴充,例如dublin core, content與encoding等。
* 內建瀏覽器,具有分頁與廣告封鎖功能,與Firefox非常相似。
* 內建備份/還原精靈,你可以透過簡單的步驟,輕鬆匯出匯入所有的頻道與資料。
* 匯出RSS 2.0格式的新聞:可以自訂要匯出哪些頻道/群組/標籤,任意搭配過濾方式。
* 整合Bloglines.com帳號:Bloglines.com讓你任何地方都能閱讀已訂閱的RSS新聞,而GreatNews讓閱讀速度速度加倍。
* 搜尋時關鍵字高亮顯示。
* 100% 支援Unicode(萬國碼),能在同一頁中顯示多國語言,也可以在GreatNews中的任何地方使用任何語言,包含搜尋/標籤或News watch。
* "頻道整理器" 整理頻道註解在同一個頁面,使用"頻道搜尋"能快速找到你的註解。
* 支援HTTP條件化取得和壓縮/縮小編碼,以減少頻寬消耗。
* 追蹤評論:自動更新最新評論。
* BlogThis功能可以直接把新聞轉貼到你的BLOG上,支援外掛Blog工具,例如 w.Bloggar 和 Zoundry 。

[2007.08.09] 這套軟體最大的缺點就是:無法精確的搜尋 RSS 的內容,例如:有時候想去查詢一則新聞,就非常需要搜尋的功能,就搜尋功能來講,還是比較推薦 SharpReader 的 Filter 功能。
[2010.04.11] 上次更新:2008/9/7。

GreatNews is a RSS feed reader that optimized for fast and efficient reading of your favorite web feeds. It offers different view styles, including a newspaper view, that allows you to read a group of feeds organized arranged in newspaper-style page layout without having to click through individual feed items. The program supports custom labels, email and blog integration as well as custom keyword alerts (news watches) that let you automatically find articles of interest and have them available in a special category. Other features include import/export feeds from/to OPML and XML files, automatic cleanup of old items, browser integration with popup blocking and more. GreatNews is small, fast and very efficient - it does not require an installation, just unzip and run.

GreaGreatNews 1.0 (Build 386) Released on 4/10/2010
* Updated: Updated development tools and libraries (Thanks ktm for helping out development!)
* Added: Persian language pack (Thank you Ehsan!)
* Updated: Brazilian Portuguese language pack (Thank you Alessandro!)
* Added: Persian language pack (Thank you Ehsan!)
* Fixed: Many internal bug fixes

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