Sunday, April 12, 2015

Balabolka 免安裝中文版 - 免費文字轉語音軟體 中英文朗讀可另存MP3

文字轉語音軟體(TTS) - Balabolka,可以朗讀整篇的中英文文章(建議安裝Ekho中文轉語音引擎),或另存成WAV、MP3、MP4、OGG、WMA音樂檔,還支援ID3標籤的設定,可以朗讀剪貼簿內容,支援快速鍵控制,如果是將文字貼上軟體來朗讀,朗讀之前記得要先選取要朗讀的片段再按朗讀。(阿榮)(下載

官方網站:Ilya Morozov
系統需求:Windows 8/7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)

Balabolka Portable is a Text-To-Speech (TTS) program. All computer voices installed on your system are available to Balabolka. The on-screen text can be saved as a WAV, MP3, MP4, OGG or WMA file. The program can read the clipboard content, view the text from AZW, AZW3, CHM, DjVu, DOC, EPUB, FB2, HTML, LIT, MOBI, ODT, PRC, PDF and RTF files, customize font and background colour, control reading from the system tray or by the global hotkeys.


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Artweaver 5.0.6 免安裝中文版 - 小型繪圖軟體

Artweaver - 取代Photoshop的專業級免費繪圖軟體,有「圖層」及透明化功能,支援AWD(Artweaver)、BMP、GIF、JPEG、PCX、TGA、TIFF、PNG、PSD圖檔。(阿榮)(下載

[2009.06.27] 中文輸入有點難度,需要先用英文輸入法輸入一個數字,再按〔應用〕按鈕,再按按鈕左邊的長方形小圖示(文字工具),最後,才可以在「文字工具」視窗輸入中文。
[2015.02.22] 感謝「不倒翁」提供免安裝可攜版作品(v5.0.4)。

Artweaver is a full-featured painting tool with a huge set of predefined realistic brushes to paint creatively or just experiment. Artweaver is suitable for beginners and advanced users.
* Support of many different digital brushes e.g. chalk, charcoal, pencils...
* A wide variety of adjustment settings to customize the default brushes or to create new brushes.
* Standard image editing tools like gradient, crop, fill and selection tools.
* Support for the most common file formats like AWD (Artweaver), BMP, GIF, JPEG, PCX, TGA, TIFF, PNG, and PSD.
* Transparency and Layers support.
* Effect filters like sharpen, blur, emboss and mosaic.
* Editable text layers.
* Pen Tablet support for a realistic feeling.
* History function to und/redo last editing steps.
* Expandable by Plug-In modules (Artweaver Standard).
* Support for many languages through language files.

關鍵字:portable artweaver,artweaver portable,artweaver free

[改版訊息] [中文化切換教學] [官方載點]

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免安裝中文版 [5.0.6] [更多舊版]
中文安裝版 [5.0.6] [更多舊版]

[大蜘蛛] Dr.Web CureIt! 2015.04.13 免安裝中文版 - 可攜式免費掃毒軟體

大蜘蛛 Dr.Web CureIt!
大蜘蛛 Dr.Web CureIt!
來自俄羅斯的免安裝防毒軟體 - Dr.Web CureIt!,這家公司從1992開始經營防毒軟體,算是歷史悠久的公司,這個版本主要是針對免安裝的掃毒需求,讓你不需要移除現有的防毒軟體就可以進行掃毒,也正因為不用安裝,所以可以放在隨身碟到處跑,它可以針對你指定的區域來進行掃毒,而且此程式至少每小時更新一次!隨時擁有最新的病毒碼。(阿榮)(下載

官方網站:Doctor Web
系統需求:Windows 8/7/Vista/XP/2003/2000/2008/Server 2012(32及64位元)

Dr.Web CureIt! detects and neutralizes viruses, rootkits, Trojan horses, spyware, and other malicious objects that have gone undetected by your anti-virus software.
- Dr.Web CureIt! does not require installation and is compatible with all known anti-virus software. You do not need to disable your anti-virus software to check your system with Dr.Web CureIt!
- With Dr.Web CureIt!, you can test the efficiency of your anti-virus software and then decide whether Dr.Web is right for you.
- Unsurpassed self-defence mechanism and enhanced operation mode for neutralization of Windows blockers.
- Dr.Web CureIt! is updated at least once an hour.

[官方載點] ※此軟體採用官方載點,至少每小時更新一次!(2013.04.18)

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免安裝版 [20150413] [更多舊版]

VarieDrop 免安裝中文版 - 一次將圖片轉成多種尺寸與格式

超強圖片轉檔軟體 - VarieDrop,一般影像處理軟體只能夠一次將檔案自動轉成同一種格式,而它能夠用拖放的方式(支援多檔案)一次產出多種圖片規格,輕鬆將照片轉換成不同大小、不同格式,使用前可以先於選項(Options)設定輸出資料夾(預設為檔案所在目錄),再分別於每個不同顏色的區塊設定(Set)不同的輸出格式,將圖片拖放就會轉成該區塊的格式,多重處理區塊(Mutiple Processing)則可以輸出所有勾選的區塊中的格式;還可以自動插入檔名後綴、個別設定輸出資料夾,支援BMP、PNG、JPEG、TIFF、GIF的格式輸入及輸出。(阿榮)(下載

[2012.08.08] 感謝「天使與惡魔」提供中文化作品。
[2013.05.23] 感謝讀者「tony200910041」通知改版訊息,版起免安裝版同時提供32及64位元版本。

VarieDrop generate multiple-size-images in one operation.
The process is started from the drag-and-drop or "Sent To" menu. (Multiple file input is supported.)


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TEncoder 免安裝版 - 多線程影音轉檔編輯下載器

多線程影音轉檔編輯下載器 - TEncoder,具有影片轉檔、音樂轉檔、影片下載、字幕編輯等功能,最多可以同時執行8個轉檔動作,幾乎支援所有影片格式,可以輸出的影片檔有:Mpeg1、Mpeg2、Xvid、Mpeg4、H264、FLV、WMV、VP8,可以輸出的音樂檔:MP3、WAV、AAC、OGG Vorbis、AC3、Mp2、Speex、Opus,支援影片轉檔前預覽、有8百多種預設設備可供選擇。(阿榮)(下載

官方網站:TEncoder Video Converter
系統需求:Windows 8/7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)

TEncoder is a multithreaded video and audio converter that uses MEncoder, MPlayer and FFMpeg. It can also download video/audio from video sites like youtube. It can convert almost every video and audio type to each other. Subtitles with same name as video can be hard-coded into video. Up to 8 simultaneous encoders can be run so encoding time decreases. You can select between multiple audio and subtitle tracks. Extracting video or audio content is possible. Edit subtitle and audio delays and part of video that will be encoded. Effects like deinterlacing or cropping can be applied to videos.

[官方載點 - 安裝版]

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Tablacus Explorer 15.4.12 免安裝中文版 - 4格的檔案總管取代軟體

Tablacus Explorer Portable
Tablacus Explorer
4格的檔案總管取代軟體 - Tablacus Explorer,支援萬國碼(Unicode)、多頁籤功能、外掛安裝、完全可攜不需要安裝,內建過濾器功能,只要輸入關鍵字,就可以快速搜尋檔案或資料夾,快速找到你要的檔案,另外,可以將常用資料夾加入我的最愛,快速開啟常用資料夾。(阿榮)(風逸蘭推薦)(下載

系統需求:Windows 8.1/8/7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)

Tablacus Explorer Porable is a tabbed file manager with Add-on support.
- Tabbed interface
- Add-on support
- Completely portable, No installation required
- Multiple language and Unicode support
- Customizable association, menus, keys, mouse gestures, alias
- Open source
- 64-bit(TE64.exe/x64 Edition) and 32-bit(TE32.exe/x86 Edition) versions are available

[2014.07.07] 感謝「風逸蘭」提供中文化作品,並推薦此軟體。

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免安裝版 [15.4.12] [更多舊版]

Dictionary .NET 7.4.5580 免安裝中文版 - 台灣製造迷你翻譯軟體

Dictionary .NET
dictionary .net
免費翻譯軟體 - Dictionary .NET,內建多國語言字典、全文翻譯功能,小巧到不行的線上翻譯工具!強烈建議開啟快速鍵取詞功能(右鍵按右下角小圖示→選項→滑鼠啟用),只要在要翻譯的英文單字、片語或文章上按你設定的取詞快速鍵,馬上就可以查詢Google與Bing的翻譯結果。(阿榮)(下載

Dictionary .NET is a Tiny Smart Multilingual Dictionary.


[改版訊息] [官方載點]

※注意:電腦必須有安裝「.NET Framework 4.0」才可以執行此程式!

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免安裝版 [7.4.5580] [更多舊版]

Notification Toggle 2015.04.12 - 手機通知欄快捷按鈕 [Android]

Notification Toggle
Notification Toggle
Android手機通知欄快捷按鈕 - Notification Toggle,可以在通知列加入2行的快捷按鈕,可以新增快速切換無線網路、藍牙、連接、聲音、顯示、系統的按鈕,還能夠將應用程式加入快捷按鈕,設定畫面有兩個核取方塊,前後分別代表第1行及第2行,若打勾就會出現在該行,除此,還有自訂按鈕圖示及顏色、更改按鈕排序、自訂狀態列文字等功能,自訂功能比一些手機內建的快捷列還強!(阿榮)(下載

軟體名稱:Notification Toggle
軟體下載:[按此從Google Play下載]


Bloom 3.3.2 免安裝版 (3.4.2 安裝版) - facebook照片上傳軟體

臉書照片大量上傳工具 - Bloom,按登入按鈕會開啟預設瀏覽器來登入facebook,可以用拖放的方式批次上傳照片、影片,免得每次照片一多得按好多次滑鼠,另外,還可以一次下載朋友的相簿(專業版),方便好用!(阿榮)(下載

[2010.12.26] 相簿名稱不支援中文!先上傳再去改。你有臉書帳號嗎?當然要加入「阿榮粉絲團」!
[2013.05.13] 3.0版推出專業版,免費版增加功能限制,上傳照片最大寬度為720像素,不支援粉絲團、不支援相簿下載。
[2013.12.27] 3.3版32位元安裝版安裝過程會出錯而無法順利安裝,暫不更新。

Bloom is a multi platform desktop app that let you upload your photos and videos easily and efficiently to Facebook, download albums and view your friends' photos.

[官方載點 - 安裝版]


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安裝版 [3.3.2] [更多舊版]

Predator 免費版 ( 付費版) - 用USB當電腦鎖 插著才可以用

用USB當電腦鎖 - Predator,能夠把一般的USB當成電腦鎖,插入你所指定的USB時,或者輸入初次使用時設定的管理者密碼(6位數以上),才能夠解鎖並使用電腦,能夠應用於電腦使用權的管控保護,也可以用USB來控制小孩的電腦使用權,一支USB可以管控多台電腦,一台電腦可以設定多支USB鎖(免費版限2支);付費版還有設定啟用管控時間、啟用時自動拍照、透過FTP上傳照片、傳送電子郵件通知...等進階功能。(阿榮)(吳浩龍推薦)(下載

系統需求:Windows 8/7/Vista/XP/2003/2008(32及64位元)
關鍵字:Predator Free Edition, Predator Professional Edition

With PREDATOR, you can lock and unlock your PC by simply removing or inserting a USB flash drive. You can use any USB stick, the program will generate a security code and place it on the device to identify it as the key. It will then check every few seconds if the drive is still inserted and if it is not, the program will lock your computer and optionally take a picture with your webcam and email it to you.


[官方載點 - 免費版、付費版]

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免費版 []

QupZilla 1.8.6 免安裝中文版 - 輕巧的跨平台瀏覽器

輕巧的跨平台瀏覽器 - QupZilla,使用WebKit核心以Qt為開發工具的瀏覽器,整理書籤的功能把書籤、記錄、RSS閱讀器整合在單一視窗,內建AdBlock擋廣告功能,快速撥號功能可以開啟最喜歡的網頁,也有私密瀏覽視窗,可以保護網路瀏覽的隱私。(阿榮)(下載

官方網站:David Rosca
系統需求:Windows 8/7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)

QupZilla Portable is modern web browser based on WebKit core and Qt Framework. WebKit guarantees fast browsing and Qt availability on all major platforms.

[2014.04.29] 解決安裝版中無中文(如:1.6.5版)的方法:將免安裝版中的「locale\zh_TW.qm」檔案,複製到安裝版同樣的位置即可。


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安裝版 [1.8.6] [更多舊版]

Rapid Environment Editor 免安裝版 - 微軟作業系統環境變數編輯工具

Rapid Environment Editor
Rapid Environment Editor
微軟作業系統環境變數編輯工具 - Rapid Environment Editor(RapidEE),環境變數(Environment Variables)也可以稱為系統基本屬性參數,微軟將它定義為:包含驅動程式、路徑、檔名等資訊的字串,控制著多種程式行為,例如「TEMP」變數就關係著暫存檔儲存路徑;此工具可以方便的編輯環境變數,像是PATH、CLASSPATH(專為Java開發者設計)、INCLUDE、LIB(專為C++開發者設計),支援樹狀架構顯示、自動檢查無效的路徑及檔名、支援拖放重新排序、可以將變數儲存為REG登錄檔。(阿榮)(下載

官方網站:Oleg Danilov
系統需求:Windows 8/7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)

Rapid Environment Editor (RapidEE) is an environment variables editor. It includes an easy to use GUI and replaces the small and inconvenient Windows edit box.



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Foxit Reader 免安裝中文版 ( 英文免安裝版) - 取代Adobe Reader的PDF閱讀工具

foxit reader portable
foxit reader
免安裝的PDF閱讀工具 - Foxit Reader,它小巧免安裝的便利性,只要下載完之後解壓縮,便可以用他來瀏覽PDF檔,放在隨身碟也很方便,因此受到很多人的喜愛,就體積來講,跟Adobe Reader相較之下,它顯得相當「瘦小」,就功能面來講,它跟PDF-XChange Viewer類似,都可以在文件上作註解,但限制較多,如何抉擇或搭配,就看你的喜好囉!(阿榮)(下載

[2008.12.16] 感謝中文化作者提供中文化。
[2009.03.10] 儲存註解標記後,還會於PDF首頁寫入試用版訊息(威望-100)。
[2011.10.29] 感謝匿名讀者提供繁體中文語系(v5.1.0.1021),已打包於安裝檔,並製作中文化教學。
[2013.04.09] 歡迎提供6.x版中文化!

Foxit PDF Reader is a small, fast, and feature rich PDF viewer for Microsoft Windows, which allows you to open, view, and print any PDF file. Foxit PDF Reader is secure, offering 3-three levels of PDF viewing security to protect against malicious PDF files.



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中文安裝版 []
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RSS Guard 免安裝版 - 簡單實用的RSS Reader

RSS Guard
RSS Guard
簡單實用的RSS Reader - RSS Guard,支援所有格式的RSS、OPML的匯入匯出,可針對不同的RSS設定不同的自動更新頻率,支援中文搜尋功能、目錄分類、資源回收筒、鍵盤快速鍵...等等。(阿榮)(下載

官方網站:RSS Guard
系統需求:Windows 8/7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)
關鍵字:rssguard, RSSGuardPortable

RSS Guard is simple (yet powerful) feed reader. It is able to fetch the most known feed formats, including RSS/RDF and ATOM. RSS Guard is developed on top of the Qt library.


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QuiteRSS 0.17.6 免安裝中文版 - 取代Google Reader的RSS閱讀器 免費可攜自由軟體

quiterss portable
方便又實用的RSS Reader - QuiteRSS,特色有:支援標籤功能、RSS內容的中文關鍵字搜尋、對重要內容加星號或上標籤、標示為已讀或未讀、以預設瀏覽器開啟、新文章的聲音或訊息提醒、OPML匯入及匯出、內建Webkit核心瀏覽器、可攜式軟體...等等,在Google Reader關閉之後,找不到更好的RSS閱讀工具,可以選擇這一套。(阿榮)(下載

系統需求:Windows 8/7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)

QuiteRSS Portable(quite-rss) - RSS/Atom feed reader written on Qt/С++, Quite fast and comfortable to user.
- Feed and news filters: new, unread, starred, deleted (for news until restart application)
- User filters
- Proxy configuration: automatic or manual
- Feed import wizard: Search feed URL if site URL was entered
- Embedded browser (Webkit core)
- Mark news starred
- Automatic update feeds: on startup, by timer
- Automatic cleanup on close using criterias
- Enable/Disable images in news preview
- Ability to quickly hide feed tree (for comfortable viewing)
- Open feed or news in own tab
- Quick news filter and quick search in browser
- Sound notification on new news
- Popup notification on new news
- Show new or unread news counter on tray icon
- Minimize on system tray: on start, on close, on minimize
- Import/Export feeds (OPML-files)
- Portable (Windows)
- Free working set (Windows)
- Shortcuts
- Check for updates
- Cross-platform
- Multilingual
- Open-source ;)

[2013.08.31] 發現可攜版(0.13.3版)有問題,目前無法直接以轉移「Data」資料夾方式保留原設定,升級前請自行用匯出方式備份。
[2014.03.07] 改採官方免安裝版,使用舊版的讀者請以匯出匯入Feeds的方式更新。


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免安裝版 [0.17.6] [更多舊版]

FileMenu Tools Portable 6.7.1 免安裝中文版 - 新增可以自訂的滑鼠右鍵選單

FileMenu Tools Portable

FileMenu Tools
滑鼠右鍵選單增強工具 - FileMenu Tools,下載後執行登錄程式(Register FileMenuTools.exe),就會在滑鼠右鍵選單中新增一組名為「FileMenu Tools」的選單,之後就可以使用主程式(FileMenuTools.exe)來新增或刪除選單項目,可以新增子選單、新增命令、加入分隔線、上移、下移,還可以關閉「傳送到」項目中的選項,想要拿掉整組選單時,只要執行移除登錄的程式(Unregister FileMenuTools.exe)就可以了。(阿榮)(下載

系統需求:Windows 8/7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)

FileMenu Tools is a free application whitch lets you to customize the context menu of Windows Explorer.
- Add some built-in utilities that perform operations on files and folders. Theese utilities are explained below in more detail
- Add custom commands which run a specific action. The possible actions are the following:
- Run external applications
- Copy/move to a specific folder
- Delete specific file types
- Send the selected files as attachment to e-mail recipient(s)
- Rename the selected files by using a set of rules
- Configure the "Send to..." submenu
- Enable/disable commands which are added by other applications to the context menu


※中文切換方法:「Options」→「Language...」→選擇Chinese (Taiwan)。

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免安裝版 [6.7.1] [更多舊版]

Stickies 8.0c 免安裝中文版 - 桌面便利貼軟體

數位化桌面便利貼 - Stickies,不用在電腦前面貼一堆便利貼了!用用數位化的產物吧!幫助你記一些雜事。(阿榮)(daviking222推薦)(下載

[2009.10.17] 上次更新:2008/8/26。
[2010.03.27] 感謝匿名讀者通知官方中文語系訊息,釋出 7.0b 免安裝中文版。

Stickies is a PC utility I wrote to try to cut down on the number of Post-ItR notes I was leaving stuck to my monitor. It is a computerised version of those notes.

The design goal behind Stickies is that the program is small and simple. Stickies will not mess with your system files, or write to the registry. Stickies stores all information in a single text-based ini file.

關鍵字:stickies portable

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Tinuous 免安裝中文版 - 簡易圖片轉檔軟體

簡易圖片轉檔軟體 - Tinuous,簡單的免費圖片轉檔軟體,能夠實現JPEG無損轉檔,一次可以轉換多檔案、支援萬國碼(Unicode)、支援BMP、PNG、JPEG、TIFF、GIF格式的輸入及轉換,有旋轉、收縮、邊緣銳化、自動校正(直方圖)、亮度(伽瑪)、對比度、色調、飽和度等編輯功能。(阿榮)(下載

系統需求:Windows 8/7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)

An image converter batch-processing multiple files. JPEG lossless transformations are implemented. Options are shrink, rotation, correction, output file name setting, etc.

[中文切換教學] [官方載點]

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AutoHotkey 免安裝版 - 取代按鍵精靈的免費自由軟體

可以用快速鍵自動控制滑鼠及鍵盤的軟體 - AutoHotkey,使用C++撰寫的自由軟體,它沒有華麗的軟體介面,腳本的副檔名是AHK,但它其實是純文字檔,可以直接用記事本來編寫,使用之前你必須看懂使用說明,了解要開啟網站、執行程式、控制滑鼠、設定快速鍵...等等基礎指令,才能夠寫出你想要的腳本;另外,利用「Compiler」資料夾下的「Ahk2Exe.exe」可以將腳本轉換成EXE單一執行檔。(阿榮)(下載

系統需求:Windows 7/Vista/XP

[2013.04.09] 如果英文程度夠好、程式語言的理解能力也不錯,可以使用這套免費的自由軟體取代按鍵精靈。

AutoHotkey is a free, open-source utility for Windows. With it, you can:
- Automate almost anything by sending keystrokes and mouse clicks. You can write a mouse or keyboard macro by hand or use the macro recorder.
- Create hotkeys for keyboard, joystick, and mouse. Virtually any key, button, or combination can become a hotkey.
- Expand abbreviations as you type them. For example, typing "btw" can automatically produce "by the way".
- Create custom data-entry forms, user interfaces, and menu bars. See GUI for details.
- Remap keys and buttons on your keyboard, joystick, and mouse.
- Respond to signals from hand-held remote controls via the WinLIRC client script.
- Run existing AutoIt v2 scripts and enhance them with new capabilities.
- Convert any script into an EXE file that can be run on computers that don't have AutoHotkey installed.

[教學:如何把AutoHotkey腳本轉換成EXE單一執行檔] [官方載點]

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