Sunday, March 1, 2015

GerbView 7.40 - Gerber檢視列印轉檔軟體 PCB印刷電路板相關軟體

Gerber檢視列印轉檔軟體 - GerbView,能夠將PCB印刷電路板繪製軟體產出的檔案轉成其他格式,支援Gerber、HPGL/2、Excellon檔,有檢視、列印、轉檔功能,可以將檔案另存為Gerber、DXF、PDF、DWF、BMP檔,將多圖層轉為多個檔案或單一檔案,專業但操作簡便。(阿榮)(下載)(購買

官方網站:Software Companions
系統需求:Windows 7/Vista/XP/NT/2000/2003/SBS2003(32及64位元)

GerbView is a program that lets you view Gerber, HPGL/2 and Excellon files produced by most PCB CAD Programs. In addition, You can also view graphic file formats like BMP,TIFF,JPEG etc.
- View, print, markup and convert Gerber, Adobe PDF, Excellon, HPGL and HPGL/2.
- Convert Gerber, Excellon and HPGL/2 files to AutoDesk DXF, Adobe PDF and other formats.
- Convert from RS-274D to RS-274X, known as extended Gerber format.
- Convert multiple Gerber files to a multi-layer PDF, DWF or DXF file. Read more about creating layered PDF files here.
- Convert your PDF files to Gerber RS-274X, HPGL/2 or DXF.
- Add markup using lines, text, rectangles, images, QR-codes, barcodes, symbols, polygons and more.
- Markup burn-in feature for converting markup elements to Gerber data.
- Delete a selection of items from a loaded Gerber file.
- Command line conversion and printing available.
- Query for entity information in Gerber, HPGL/2 and Excellon files.
- Measure distances, areas and perimeters, with our without snapping to pads and tracks.
- Both metric and imperial coordinates supported.
- Support for absolute or relative coordinates.
- Highlight selected apertures in Gerber files.
- Add files of different formats to a single workspace.
- No limit for number of files within a workspace (only limited by memory).
- Visibility of all loaded files can be set individually.
- Rotate loaded files by any angle.
- Copy selected region to clipboard, and paste into another Windows application.
- Use mouse-wheel for zooming and panning operations.
- Ortho mode for fast drawing of horizontal and vertical markup lines.
- User defined header and footer for printing.
- Color or Black & White Printing.
- Scaled print or fit to paper.
- Full mode print preview.
- Poster mode for printing big format drawings on e.g. multiple A4 pages.
- Print to all Windows supported plotter and printer devices.
- TIFF, CALS, BMP, PNG and JPEG files can be added to a Workspace (for logos etc.).
- Save whole Workspace or single files as raster files. Supported formats include:
- TIFF, CALS, Adobe PDF, Windows BMP, PNG and JPEG.



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安裝版 [7.40] [7.30]

XXCLONE 2.07.2 - 硬碟拷貝軟體 換硬碟免重灌 取代Ghost

硬碟拷貝軟體 - XXCLONE,想把可開機的硬碟換掉,又要讓新硬碟保留舊硬碟所有資料、可以開機、免重灌,除了使用具有異機還原功能的備份軟體之外,還可以使用這個小軟體來實現,拷貝前在開機設定(Boot Up Settings)選擇讓硬碟可開機(Make Bootable),就可以讓新硬碟可以取代舊硬碟正常開機,也可以在備份前修改開機表、製作可開機USB隨身碟。(阿榮)(蘇家緯推薦)(下載

系統需求:Windows 7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)付費版支援:Windows 2003/2008/2011
關鍵字:XXClone Freeware

- XXCLONE copies (clones) your Windows system disk into another disk with the system files, installed applications, and all of your data files.
- It is an ideal tool for periodic system disk backup on a regular basis.
- It makes the target disk Self-Bootable that can replace your main disk without further steps (such as the Restore procedure).
- It can migrate your Windows disk into a new one with a different capacity (typically to a larger one).
- HyperSync algorithm makes the periodic backup operation extremely fast.
- XXCLONE operates inside the Windows environment which allows you to use your computer while XXCLONE runs in the background.


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免安裝版 [2.07.2] [2.06.8] [2.06.6]

CPU-Z 1.72 免安裝中文版 - 硬體基本規格檢查工具

CPU-Z - CPU規格檢查程式,買電腦時擔心被騙嗎?用這支小程式檢查一下CPU的規格吧!它可以顯示的資訊有:CPU的詳細規格、CPU的L1、L2快取大小、主機板型號、記憶體大小及規格、記憶體插槽(SPD)、顯示卡資訊、Windows及DirectX版本...等等,還可以匯出TXT或HTM報告。(阿榮)(下載

[2009.07.24] 感謝中文化作者 Sorl 提供作品。
[2011.03.04] 新增1.57中文版,感謝讀者「d2241400」通知中文化訊息。
[2012.04.24] v1.60.1的64位元版在我的Acer筆電上偵測不到CPU,改用32位元版則正常,怪哉!
[2015.03.02] 感謝讀者「盧俊龍」通知改版訊息。

CPU-Z is a freeware that gathers information on some of the main devices of your system.

[改版訊息] [官方載點]

中文化作者:丹楓 Danfong-虫二電氣診所

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中文版 [1.72] [更多舊版]
英文版 [1.72] [更多舊版]

MadEdit 免安裝中文版 - 具有簡繁轉換功能的文字編輯器

具有簡繁轉換功能的文字編輯器 - MadEdit,是以C++跟wxWidget設計的純文字或16進制(Hex)編輯器,內建獨特的繁體中文與簡體中文相互轉換功能,還有字數計算統計、語法高亮度顯示、區塊模式、多重搜尋取代...等功能。(阿榮)(不倒翁推薦)(下載

系統需求:Windows 8/7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)
關鍵字:mad edit, madeditportable

MadEdit is a Cross-Platform Text/Hex Editor written in C++&wxWidgets. MadEdit can edit files in Text/Column/Hex modes, and supports many useful functions e.g. SyntaxHighlightings, WordWrap, Encodings(UTF8/16/32,Big5,GBK...) and WordCount.

[2015.03.01] 感謝「不倒翁」提供免安裝可攜版作品(v0.2.9.1)。


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DVDStyler 2.9.2 免安裝中文版 - VOB轉DVD光碟或ISO

dvdstyler portable
免費DVD產出軟體 - DVDStyler,可以直接把用格式工廠轉出來的VOB檔轉成含光碟選單的DVD光碟(或ISO檔),功能媲美「TMPGEnc DVD Author」,還內建轉檔功能,可以加入AVI、MOV、MP4、MPEG、OGG、WMV影片,一次完成選單、轉檔及燒錄。(阿榮)(刀仔推薦)(下載

[2010.05.11] 版號雖為,但軟體的「關於」視窗仍顯示。
[2010.05.31] 1.8.1 版不含中文語系。
[2011.09.01] 版號雖為,但軟體的「關於」視窗仍顯示。
[2012.05.14] 2.2可攜版起改用阿榮自製 Loader。
[2012.08.27] 因為會被防毒軟體誤判,取消阿榮自製 Loader。
[2014.01.10] 感謝「風逸蘭」提供最新繁體中文語系。

DVDStyler Portable is a cross-platform free DVD authoring application for the creation of professional-looking DVDs. It allows not only burning of video files on DVD that can be played practically on any standalone DVD player, but also creation of individually designed DVD menus. It is Open Source Software and is completely free.

關鍵字:DVDStyler Portable, vob to dvd, ifo, bup, mpeg2 to dvd

[教學] [官方載點]


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免安裝版 [2.9.2] [2.9] [2.8.1] [2.8] [2.7.2] [2.7.1] [2.7] [2.6.1-20140110] [2.6.1] [2.6] [2.5.2] [2.5.1] [2.5] [2.4.3] [2.4.2]

KeyFreeze 1.3 免安裝中文版 - 可以鎖住鍵盤跟滑鼠的軟體

可以鎖住鍵盤跟滑鼠的軟體 - KeyFreeze,執行此程式的時候會自動倒數5秒鐘(或按LOCK KEYBOARD & MOUSE開始倒數),時間到後就鎖住鍵盤及滑鼠,但不關閉電腦螢幕,如此一來,如果讓小孩使用電腦看影片或做其他應用,就可以避免因為誤觸鍵盤或滑鼠而造成任何問題,而同時按下鍵盤的「CTRL + ALT + F」這三個鍵就可以解除限制。(阿榮)(下載

系統需求:Windows 8.1/8/7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)
關鍵字:BlueLife KeyFreeze

KeyFreeze is a FREE Windows application that blocks your keyboard and mouse without “locking” the screen. So your kids can safely watch a cartoon or have a videochat with their grandparents and bang the keyboard as much as they want. Unfreeze key combination : Ctrl + Alt + Del

[2015.02.13] 1.2版預設解除限制的快速鍵組合是「CTRL + ALT + DEL」。
[2015.03.01] 感謝「安格斯」提供繁體中文語系作品。


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中文免安裝版 [1.3]
英文免安裝版 [1.3] [1.2]

Fast Duplicate File Finder 免安裝版 - 重複檔案比對刪除或搬移軟體

Fast Duplicate File Finder
Fast Duplicate File Finder
重複檔案搜尋及刪除工具 - Fast Duplicate File Finder,可以搜尋電腦或資料夾中重複的檔案,自動選取較新(older dates)或較舊(newer dates)的檔案進行後續的處理,能夠選擇刪除或搬移重複的檔案到另一個資料夾,並且保持相同的目錄結構(keeping folder structure)。(阿榮)(下載

[2012.05.09] 此類工具會有比對出來之後因為檔案鎖住而無法刪除檔案的問題!試過好多種同類型工具只有這支程式還不錯,如果你有更好的,也歡迎推薦。

Fast Duplicate File Finder FREEWARE will help you find fast all duplicate files in a folder and its sub folders. The application will compare the content of your files so it will find duplicates even if they are using different file names. The Professional version can even find similar files regardless of their file types. It will analyze the content of the files in order to find similar files and not just file attributes like name and size as the standard duplicate file finders do.


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