Wednesday, January 14, 2015

NAPS2 (Not Another PDF Scanner) 2.6.3 免安裝版 - 掃描器專用軟體 將掃描檔案存成PDF或多頁TIFF檔

NAPS2 (Not Another PDF Scanner)
NAPS2 (Not Another PDF Scanner)
掃描器專用軟體 - NAPS2 (Not Another PDF Scanner),可以取代功能比較陽春的掃描軟體,支援WIA或TWAIN相容的掃瞄器,將文件掃描之後另存為PDF、TIFF(多頁)、JPEG、PNG、BMP、EXIF、GIF檔,還有頁面上下移動排序、左右旋轉、翻轉、刪除...等功能。(阿榮)(下載

系統需求:Windows 8/7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)

NAPS2 is a document scanning application with a focus on simplicity and ease of use. Scan your documents from WIA- and TWAIN-compatible scanners, organize the pages as you like, and save them as PDF, TIFF, JPEG, PNG, and other file formats. Requires .NET Framework 4.0 or higher.


[2015.01.15] 3.0b1版在儲存PDF檔時程式會當掉!不建議使用,所以暫時不更新。

※注意:電腦必須有安裝「.NET Framework 4.0」才可以執行此程式!

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免安裝版 [2.6.3]
安裝版 [2.6.3]

CountryTraceRoute 1.23 免安裝中文版 - 圖形介面的TraceRoute工具

網路管理工具 - CountryTraceRoute,以圖形化介面取代「tracert」指令,只要輸入網址或IP,就可以查詢由本機電腦出發所經過的路由器IP位址、反應時間,此工具還會顯示IP所在的國家,可以將結果匯出為HTML格式,通常被用來診斷網站連線的問題。(阿榮)(下載

[2013.04.10] 1.16版新增繁體中文語系。

CountryTraceRoute is a Traceroute utility, similar to the tracert tool of Windows, but with graphical user interface, and it's also much faster than tracert of Windows. CountryTraceRoute also displays the country of the owner of every IP address found in the Traceroute.

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中文版 [1.23] [1.22] [1.21] [1.20] [1.16]
英文版 [1.10]

Pretty Run 免安裝中文版 - 用關鍵字快速開啟程式或檔案

Pretty Run
Pretty Run
用關鍵字快速開啟程式或檔案 - Pretty Run,Windows開始功能表早就擠滿了程式捷徑嗎?一般要開啟一個程式是先找到開始功能表找到小圖示,再開啟要執行的程式,而這個小軟體讓我們只要輸入關鍵字就可以打開程式了!除了可以搜尋開始功能表捷徑之外,還支援IE、Firefox、Chrome瀏覽器我的最愛、印表機、控制台項目、設定網路搜尋引擎、搜尋MP3標籤、一鍵開啟多個程式、手動設定「Magic words」快速開啟程式...等等,以上部分功能需手動設定,可以自己新增要列入索引的資料夾,預設使用鍵盤快速鍵「Win+S」來開啟程式主介面。(阿榮)(下載

官方網站:Pretty software
系統需求:Windows 8/7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)

Many times we know we have some program somewhere in the start menu but just takes too much time to locate its icon and run it. Pretty Run helps you with that as it searches start menu, desktop or any other folder for the shortcuts or files that meet your query.
- Search Internet Explorer favorites
- Search Firefox bookmarks
- Search Chrome bookmarks
- Search printers and start printer properties
- Search Control panel items
- Setup internet search engines and you can search internet with selected engine
- Remember last items copied to clipboard and bring them back in case you need them
- Search mp3 files (not file names but tags)
- Run a group of programs with one click
- Setup your magic words and start favorite programs really quickly



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[磁碟分割精靈] Partition Wizard Home 9.0 - 重新分配C槽大小

MiniTool Partition Wizard Home Edition
MiniTool Partition Wizard Home Edition
Partition Wizard - 硬碟磁區調整工具,功能類似之前介紹過的Paragon Partition Manager ExpressEASEUS Partition Manager Home Edition,這種工具能作啥用?假設你買了新筆電,很多大廠的出廠預設值是把硬碟切成兩等分,甚至整顆都沒切,這時,你就可以用這種免費的工具來重新分配C槽、D槽的大小,而調整之後資料完全不會流失,不用因為想重新分割硬碟大小而重灌!此軟體Home版免費供家庭用戶使用,另有須付費的版本。另外,原廠還提供開機光碟ISO檔,用於全新硬碟的磁碟分割也相當好用!(阿榮)(下載)(購買

[2013.01.14] 7.7版開始支援Windows 8。
[2013.10.01] 感謝讀者「pabloli」通知改版訊息。

Partition Wizard Home Edition is a free partition manager designed by MT Solution Ltd. It supports 32/64 bit Windows Operating System including Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7. Home users can perform complicated partition operations by using this powerful but free partition manager to manage their hard disk partition such as Resizing partitions, Copying partitions, Create partition, Delete partition, Format partition, Convert partition, Explore partition, Hide partition, Change drive letter, Set active partition and Partition Recovery.

Partition Wizard Home Edition is designated for home user only, to use Partition Wizard in a business envirnoment, Partition Wizard Business Edition is required.

關鍵字:MiniTool Partition Wizard

[教學] [官方載點]

※支援作業系統:Windows 8/7/XP/Vista (32及64位元)(2013.01.14)

下載連結→ [開機光碟] [安裝版]

安裝版 [9.0] [8.1.1] [8.0] [7.8]
開機光碟 [9.0] [8.1.1] [8.0] [7.8]

Everyone Piano 人人鋼琴 免安裝中文版 - 鋼琴軟體 學習與娛樂功能兼具的電腦鋼琴模擬軟體

Everyone Piano 人人鋼琴
Everyone Piano 人人鋼琴
鋼琴軟體 - Everyone Piano 人人鋼琴(簡稱:EOP),是兼具學習與娛樂功能的電腦鋼琴模擬軟體,可以把電腦鍵盤當成鋼琴一樣彈奏,具有豐富的雙手簡譜、EOP檔(歌曲自動演奏展示)、教學影片、學習資料,官網還不斷的新增免費樂譜(PNG檔琴譜),可以匯入外掛程式中的「樂譜架」,設定讓琴譜自動捲動,外掛功能還有節拍器、跟我彈、大神秀場...等實用功能,另外,還可以設定鍵盤按鍵要配哪個音,所以不管是筆電或是桌上型電腦都可以使用。(阿榮)(黃堂維推薦)(下載

系統需求:Windows 8/7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)

Everyone Piano is computer keyboard piano simulation software and it is free forever. With ordinary computer keyboard, it enables you to play world famous piano music. Everyone Piano's powerful timbre database can make lifelike and real-time piano sound, even with onboard sound card. Moreover, it can also simulate the footplate of piano.


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Ditto 免安裝中文版 - 取代ClipX的剪貼簿工具

免費Windows剪貼簿管理軟體 - Ditto,適合常常利用電腦做文字編輯的人,可以記憶並顯示超過100組的剪貼簿內容,前10筆內容可以用鍵盤數字鍵當快速鍵來選取,至於常用的文字內容,可以利用群組來管理,除了使用滑鼠操作之外,還支援快速鍵開啟剪貼簿內容(Ctrl+`),再按Ctrl+G則可以開啟群組,群組也顯示於剪貼簿內容最下方,另外,還內建支援多台電腦同步功能。(阿榮)(下載

系統需求:Windows 7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)

Ditto is an extension to the standard windows clipboard. It saves each item placed on the clipboard allowing you access to any of those items at a later time. Ditto allows you to save any type of information that can be put on the clipboard, text, images, html, custom formats, .....

[2013.07.19] 阿榮慣用ClipX好多年,但由於它太久沒更新了!以致於在Windows 7 64位元的電腦頻頻掛掉,評估了好久還是這套比較合用啊!



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