Sunday, December 7, 2014

Anvi Smart Defender Free 2.4 - 取代Ad-Aware的免費惡意軟體防護工具

Anvi Smart Defender Free
Anvi Smart Defender Free
惡意軟體防護工具 - Anvi Smart Defender,使用創新的掃描引擎,即時偵測電腦中可疑檔案,讓使用者自行選擇刪除或放行,能夠防禦病毒、木馬、廣告軟體、間諜軟體、勒索軟體、流氓軟體、殭屍病毒...等,每天自動更新病毒碼,內建檔案雲端掃描、電腦加速工具,除了防毒軟體之外,可以再加裝此類軟體作為第二道防護。(阿榮)(下載

Anvi Smart Defender delivers smart, powerful protection from malicious software, including viruses, Trojans, adware, spyware, ransomware, rogueware, bots and other threats online. Based on the innovative swordfish engine and the attached database updated on daily basis, Anvi Smart Defender scans, detects and removes malware in a smart, light manner. The bonus would be the advanced cloud scan based on user-experiences share and the system maintenance tool for speeding up PC, to even enhance the protection.

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安裝版 [2.4] [2.3] [2.2] [2.1] [2.0] [1.8]

NetworkTrafficView 1.87 免安裝中文版 - 免費網路卡流量監控軟體

免費網路卡流量監控工具 - NetworkTrafficView,可以監控所有通過有線、無線網路卡的流量,支援TCP、UDP、ICMP通訊協定及IPv4、IPv6、ARP網路類型,可以顯示出每個連線的目的IP位址、來源及目的連接埠、封包數量及大小、第一個及最後一個封包時間、持續時間...等資料,可應用於病毒檢測或觀察應用程式傳輸行為。(阿榮)(下載

NetworkTrafficView is a network monitoring tool that captures the packets pass through your network adapter, and displays general statistics about your network traffic. The packets statistics is grouped by the Ethernet Type, IP Protocol, Source/Destination Addresses, and Source/Destination ports. For every statistics line, the following information is displayed: Ethernet Type (IPv4, IPv6, ARP), IP Protocol (TCP, UDP, ICMP), Source Address, Destination Address, Source Port, Destination Port, Service Name (http, ftp, and so on), Packets Count, Total Packets Size, Total Data Size, Data Speed, Maximum Data Speed, Average Packet Size, First/Last Packet Time, Duration, and process ID/Name (For TCP connections).

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免安裝版 [1.87] [1.86] [1.85] [1.82] [1.81] [1.80] [1.78] [1.77] [1.76] [1.75] [1.70] [1.62] [1.61]