Thursday, August 7, 2014

Rename Master 3.11 免安裝版 - 批次重新命名工具

Rename Master
Rename Master
老牌檔案更名軟體 - Rename Master,從前面或後面移除N個字元的功能(Remove Beginning/Ending)相當實用!例如:拿來修改抓音軌軟體自動產生的MP3檔名;另外,可以一次執行多個不同的動作,幾乎是可以在檔名的任何位置插入或刪除想要的文字,支援萬國碼(Unicode)。(阿榮)(下載

- Intelligent number sorting
- File and folder renaming
- Custom filelist columns
- Auto-Preview
- Subfolder Scanning to rename files in multiple folder
- Renaming Variables for JPEG/MP3 tags, file properties, counters, and more
- "Scripts" to save commonly used renaming options
- [*] and [?] command prompt style wildcards, or full Regular Expression support
- Optional Explorer integration for right-clicking on files/folders or using "Send To"
- Case Changing and Textfile importing


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免安裝版 [3.11] [3.10] [3.9] [3.8] [3.6]

Task Coach 1.4.0 免安裝中文版 - 可攜式待辦清單軟體

Task Coach
Task Coach Portable
可攜式待辦清單軟體 - Task Coach,免費且開放原始碼的自由軟體,功能相當的完整,可以新增子工作(待辦事項)、夾帶附件檔、加入文字註記、設定優先權、設定類別及子類別、設定開始及截止日期、規劃預計花費時間、追蹤工作量...等等。(阿榮)(下載

官方網站:Task Coach
系統需求:Windows 8/7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)

Task Coach Portable is a simple open source todo manager to keep track of personal tasks and todo lists. It is designed for composite tasks, and also offers effort tracking, categories, notes and more.

[2014.08.07] 繁體中文語系年久失修、缺字嚴重,歡迎有興趣參與中文化工作的讀者認領。

[官方載點 - 含手機及各種作業系統]

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Everything 免安裝中文版 - 取代Windows搜尋功能

超快速檔案搜尋工具 - Everything,有時候想要找一個檔案卻忘記放在哪裡,這個工具比Windows內建的搜尋功能好用太多了,有用過「Google桌面搜尋」嗎?拿這個去比較看看!保證你馬上移除Google桌面搜尋,僅支援NTFS格式分割區,但是支援Unicode,居然還有HTTP伺服器、ETP/FTP伺服器、ETP伺服器連線功能。(阿榮)(下載

[2008.11.05] 目前僅 Beta 版支援 Unicode,正式版要等下個版本吧!?
[2009.03.13] 終於推出 正式版。
[2013.06.22] Beta版起提供64位元版本。

Everything Portable is a fast folder and file name search engine for Windows.
Unlike Windows search "Everything" initially displays every file and folder on your computer (hence the name "Everything").
You type in a search filter to limit what files and folders are displayed.

[改版訊息] [官方載點]


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