Saturday, January 18, 2014

PeerBlock 免安裝版 - P2P防護工具

自動封鎖惡意IP - PeerBlock,當你的電腦使用BT下載檔案時,就會與網路上眾多的陌生電腦交換檔案,然而,你永遠不會知道對方的來意!這個工具透過時常更新的封鎖清單,只要開啟就能跟以廣告、間諜、監控為目的的IP隔絕,甚至於擋掉整個國家,藉此維護電腦安全。(阿榮)(下載

PeerBlock Portable lets you control who your computer "talks to" on the Internet. By selecting appropriate lists of "known bad" computers, you can block communication with advertising or spyware oriented servers, computers monitoring your p2p activities, computers which have been "hacked", even entire countries! They can't get in to your computer, and your computer won't try to send them anything either.

[官方載點 - 安裝版]

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OfficeTab 9.70 免費繁體中文版 - Office分頁功能外掛

讓Office也有分頁功能 - OfficeTab,這個外掛讓Word、PowerPoint、Excel都變成有分頁切換的功能了!阿榮慣用Office 2003,但每次在同時開啟多個Excel時,在檔案切換時都會卡卡的,導致如果要在兩個檔案之間剪貼資料就相當的不便,裝了這個外掛之後,使用起來就加分多了,非常實用!此軟體支援Microsoft Office 2003、2007、2010(32位元及64位元)。(阿榮)(下載

[2009.09.12] 修正了在1.21版導致Office關閉都會出現Runtime Error的問題。
[2010.03.20] 官方釋出付費版「OfficeTab 4.20」。
[2012.03.14] 8.0版跟7.0版一樣於Windows 7(64位元)安裝在Office 2003後都沒出現分頁功能!改裝1.22繁體中文版後即正常,原因待查。
[2012.04.17] 8.50版於Windows 7 x64測試正常。
[2013.07.18] 9.51版每次開啟都有註冊提醒視窗,9.10版有多開一份Office程式的問題,建議使用9.00版無以上問題。

Office Tab is a handy addin for Microsoft Office 2003 or Microsoft Office 2007 or Microsoft Office 2010(32bit and 64-bit). It includes Tabs for Excel, Tabs for Word, Tabs for PowerPoint, Tabs for Project, Tabs for Visio, Tabs for Publisher and Tabs for Access. The main feature of Office Tab is to embed the multiple tabs style in Microsoft Office 2003 or Microsoft Office 2007 or Microsoft Office 2010. With the multiple tabs style, you can switch to different documents immediately as the way you taking in IE 8 or Firefox. Office Tab will save your time while you are using Microsoft Office 2003 or Microsoft Office 2007 or Microsoft Office 2010 , and improve your working order and efficiency.

關鍵字:Office Tab Free Edition

※注意:Office Tab 免費版僅可用於個人非商業用途。如用作商業用途(您可免費試用 30 天),您必須安裝並購買 Office 標籤專業版(企業版)。

下載連結→ [按此下載繁體中文安裝版]

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