Sunday, June 17, 2012

Eyes Relax 0.87 免安裝中文版 - 管制電腦使用時間

Eyes Relax
Eyes Relax
Eyes Relax - 計時提醒工具,可以設定工作時間、休息時間,自動提醒你使用多久的電腦就該讓眼睛休息;也可以巧妙地運用其家長模式來執行電腦管制,來達到強迫小孩使用電腦一段時間就自動休息的目的,先於「家長模式→變更密碼」設定好密碼,再運用「外觀→休息時間要採取的動作→空白螢幕」這個功能,讓時間到的時候螢幕自動變黑並倒數休息時間。(阿榮)(下載

Eyes Relax is a little free Windows utility that reminds you about rest-time and save your eyesight. This software allows you to customize the duration of your work time and length of breaks. During the break you may exercise your eyes, look away or look at distant objects either in your office or outside, take a stroll outside your office.

關鍵字:eyesrelax, eyesrelax portable

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※注意:電腦必須有安裝「.NET Framework 2.0」才可以執行此程式!

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