Saturday, March 31, 2012

O&O Defrag Free Edition 14.5.543 - 硬碟重組軟體

O&O Defrag Free Edition
O&O Defrag
口碑不錯的磁碟重組軟體 - O&O Defrag,該公司被奉為磁碟重組大廠,推出時都是收費的版本,因應免費趨勢而推出了免費版,定期的重組硬碟就像保養車子一樣意思,可以讓電腦開機更快,程式運作更順暢!免費版功能有限,且此軟體開機時會長駐處理程序。(阿榮)(Hero推薦)(下載)(購買

O&O Defrag Free Edition merges fragments that were created while Windows was saving files. Merging them increases your computer’s performance considerably.


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SharePod 3.9.9 免安裝版 - iPhone/iPod Touch/iPod音樂雙向搬移軟體

SharePod - iPod音樂雙向搬移工具,可以將音樂、影片在電腦跟iPod之間搬移,也可以編輯播放清單,支援拖放功能。自3.8.4版起支援iPhone、iPod Touch,但前提是必須先安裝「iTunes」。(阿榮)(下載

[2010.12.03] 3.9.7 版支援 iTunes 10.1 & 2。
[2013.10.13] 此軟體已改為共享軟體,不再更新。

SharePod is easy to use and works! Heres some of the main features:
- Add & remove music and videos from your iPod
- Add, remove and edit playlists
- Add & remove album art
- View and backup photos
- Copy music, videos and playlists from your iPod to PC
- Import music/videos into your iTunes library, including playlists and ratings
- Tag editing
- Drag n' drop to and from Explorer
- Simple, clean interface
- Quick to load and use with no unnessary complicated features
- Support for iPhone and iTouch

[改版訊息] [教學]

※注意:電腦必須有安裝「.NET Framework 2.0」及「iTunes」才可以執行此程式!

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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Hide In Picture 2.1 免安裝版 - 把機密檔案隱藏在正常的圖片裡

Hide In Picture
Hide In Picture
把任何檔案加密後藏在BMP圖片裡 - Hide In Picture,你有什麼不可告人的機密檔案嗎?可以用這套自由軟體將它神不知鬼不覺的偽裝在你指定的圖片中,然而,照片看起來就像是一般的BMP圖檔,而且要解密還得知道密碼喔!(阿榮)(下載

[2012.03.29] 要藏的檔案不能大於圖片大小!BMP圖檔限24位元或256色

Hide In Picture is a program that allows you to conceal files inside bitmap pictures, using a password. The pictures look like normal images, so people will not suspect there is hidden data in them.


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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Oscar's File Renamer 2.0 免安裝版 - 檔案重新命名軟體

Oscar's File Renamer
Oscar's File Renamer
簡單好用的大量檔案更名工具 - Oscar's File Renamer,全文字的編輯方式,有別於一般的大量重新命名工具。(阿榮)(下載
[2012.03.20] 2.0版起採免費與付費版(Pro)合體,可以永久免費使用,只不過以免費版使用時會跳出版權視窗,按「I Agree」就可以繼續使用,不習慣的讀者可以繼續使用純免費的1.2版。

Oscar's File Renamer takes and enhances the idea of editing files in directory in a full featured Text editor and then writing all the changes at once into the files.

[1.2純免費版] [安裝版]

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Monday, March 19, 2012

Portable TrayMenu 1.6 - 媲美PStart的中文程式選單軟體

Portable TrayMenu
Portable TrayMenu
捷徑列工具 - Portable TrayMenu,因為是台灣人設計的,所以非常適合中文用戶習慣,可以將常用的程式或資料夾加入這個選單軟體(右鍵按桌面右下角小圖示),當滑鼠移到它的桌面右下角小圖示時就會跳出軟體選單,方便常用程式的開啟;特色是:原生版的中文介面、可以置放於隨身碟使用(支援相對路徑)、支援無限階層的選單、自動顯示程式小圖示、可以顯示最近使用的程式...等等。(阿榮)(下載

[2011.08.30] 感謝作者來信通知改版訊息。

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Sunday, March 18, 2012

InstantMask 1.4 免安裝版 - 免費照片去背軟體

圖片去背軟體 - InstantMask,讓電腦白痴也會照片去背!先點選綠筆小圖示,圈出要保留的範圍,再用紅筆大致圈出要去掉的範圍,按預覽按鈕(Preview)看看結果,若滿意可以選擇儲存(Save)或另存新檔(Save As),若不滿意,建議將程式放大後,重開圖片再仔細描繪範圍,出來的效果就會更滿意!免費版只可以將去背的部份儲存成白底,另有付費的Pro版,可以選擇白色或透明底色。(阿榮)(下載

Instant Mask is a quick and simple to use freeware background removing program.


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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

DreamMail 免安裝中文版 - USB隨身收發信軟體

免安裝隨身碟收發信工具 - DreamMail,相信就跟他的名字一樣,會是你夢寐以求的,它內建繁體中文介面,會自動偵測所該設定的 Port,不用再去查那些複雜的設定,用這個 Mail Client 在隨身碟收發信,相當方便!支援、、,讓你把不支援 POP3 收信的 Web Mail 也收下來,阿榮測試過、 及 功能都很正常,唯獨 Gmail 別忘了去開啟 POP3 收信功能,才能夠收下來喔!另外,還有意想不到的自動垃圾信過濾功能喔!(阿榮)(下載

[2009.05.07] 測試過、,好像還是無法收信!上次更新:2007/7/18。
[2011.01.22] 感謝讀者「Martin300」通知改版訊息。

DreamMail is one of the best email client software. It was designed to handle multi-user and multi email account. The supported protocols are SMTP, eSMTP, POP 3, Hotmail and Yahoo... With the supplementary remote mail box access function, you might use it to logon your mail account remotely and check the mail content, preview even to delete it directly from the server; The combination use of mail filter, blacklist and white list, can sort out the junk mail effectively.

[改版訊息] [教學] [Vista/W7無法編輯郵件修正檔] [安裝版]

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