Saturday, June 12, 2010

Shutdown Scheduler - 自動關機軟體

Shutdown Scheduler
Shutdown Scheduler
自動關機程式 - Shutdown Scheduler,可以排程關機、重新開機...等等,支援 W2K - XP - W2K3 - Vista,經Vista測試,功能正常。(阿榮)(下載

[2007.05.04] 安裝新版前要先移除舊版才能裝!
[2007.05.28] 此軟體有點略嫌笨重,最大用途是用於 Vista 的每日排程關機或重新開機,如果沒有用到這個功能,此類型軟體建議用 PowerOff 較優!

This software allows you to automize your computer's shutdowns or restarts.
You can specify times by day or by week.
It also allows you to create notes shared by other users over home (or business) networks.
There are a lot of other useful features and options in this software.


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HotKeyz 免安裝版 - 自訂鍵盤快速鍵

自訂鍵盤快速鍵 – HotKeyz,讓你用快速鍵開啟IE瀏覽器並指定到某個網址、開啟控制台...等等,甚至於將免安裝版的常用程式設定用快速鍵來開啟,應用層面相當廣泛;它的「Command」裡有相當多的功能選項,「Calendar」可以開啟月曆、「Change Case」可以按快速鍵將選取的英文字全部改為大寫或小寫...等等。(阿榮)(alvine推薦)()(下載

HotKeyz is a keyboard utility with hotkey control for executing other files, folders or RUN commands. Launch applications in a Normal, Minimized or Maximized State. The Parameter option gives you parameter control when launching another application like Internet Explorer and surfing to a specific site as parameter. For example (iexplore.exe) with the parameter (

Version 2.8.3 (10 June 2010)
‧Fixed the category that disappeared when renaming a new category.
‧Fixed the commands that didn't execute because of their case. HotKeyz will ignore the case.
‧Fixed the Access Violations that appeared when HotKeyz don't have write access to the HotKeyz folder.


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