Friday, May 14, 2010

MSN/Windows Live Messenger Pure Patch Build 14.0.8117

MSN/Windows Live Messenger Pure Patch
MSN/Windows Live Messenger Pure Patch
MSN/Windows Live Messenger Pure Patch - 台製MSN去廣告程式,這支小程式以前叫作msnnoad,是可以同時支援新舊版的MSN去廣告小程式。(阿榮

針對最新版 WLM 的功能:
  • 連開 - 可同時開啟多個 MSN
  • 去除聯絡清單下方的廣告橫幅
  • 去除聯絡清單下方的搜尋列
  • 去除對話框下面的文字廣告
  • 去除對話框下面的搜尋按鈕
  • 允許傳送任何類型的檔案
  • 去除「共享資料夾」對話框下方的文字廣告
  • 去除電腦裡自動產生的「我的共用資料夾」
支援的 MSN 版本:
6.1.0155, 6.1.0203, 6.1.0207, 6.1.0211,
6.2.0133, 6.2.0137, 6.2.0205, 6.2.0208,
7.0.0777, 7.0.0813, 7.0.0816, 7.0.0820,
7.5.0160, 7.5.0162, 7.5.0244, 7.5.0299, 7.5.0303, 7.5.0306, 7.5.0311, 7.5.0319, 7.5.0322, 7.5.0324,
8.0.0787, 8.0.0792, 8.0.0812,
8.5.1235, 8.5.1238, 8.5.1288, 8.5.1302 (8.5 Final)
14.0.8050 (2009 Final), 14.0.8064, 14.0.8089, 14.0.8117

[2010.02.27] 2009.10.04 作者更新了防毒軟體誤判的問題,感謝讀者「YCLin」通知。

MSN/Windows Live Messenger Pure Patch (formerly msnnoad)
MSN/Windows Live Messenger Pure Patch makes MSN/Windows Live Messenger pure and clean. It's universal!
Allows multi-open (polygamy)
Remove main bottom ad
Remove top Messenger title (string) (MSN Messenger 7 only)
Remove MSN Today button (MSN Messenger 7 only)
Remove left tab (MSN Messenger 7 only, Note 1)
Remove bottom Add Contact button (MSN Messenger 7 only)
Remove bottom MSN search bar (Windows Live Messenger 8 only)
Remove text ad at bottom of dialog window
Remove the search button in dialog window (Windows Live Messenger 8 only)
Remove file transfer protection (allows you to send or receive any file type, Windows Live Messenger 8 only)
Remove nudge delays (allows you to spam nudges, Windows Live Messenger only)
Remove share folder bottom text ad (Windows Live Messenger only)
Remove share folder in my computer (Windows Live Messenger only)
(Apply to MSN 6 only first 2 features)
Note 1: for Windows Live Messenger: Tools / Options / Tabs / Hide tabs
Note 2: MSNPP MAY NOT support Windows Vista 64 now

下載連結→ [8.5.1302] [14.0.8117]