Saturday, May 29, 2010

Launchy 2.5.0 免安裝版 - 用鍵盤快速開啟程式

用鍵盤快速開啟程式 - Launchy,突破傳統的捷徑列工具,要讓你忘記開始功能表、桌面捷徑、檔案總管,使用前必須先於「Options」→「Catalog」建立索引資料(可以指定檔案類型及是否包含資料夾),並按〔Rescan Catalog〕來立即重建索引,之後再以「Alt」+「空白鍵」的快速鍵方式開啟此程式的搜尋框,輸入要開啟的程式(或檔案)關鍵字,按「↓」、「↑」鍵盤上下鍵選定程式後,按「Enter」開啟程式。(阿榮)()(下載

Launchy is a free utility designed to help you forget about your start menu, your desktop icons, and your file manager. Launchy indexes and launches your applications, documents, project files, folders, and bookmarks with just a few keystrokes!

[教學] [安裝版]


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Monday, May 17, 2010

Universal Extractor 1.6.1 免安裝中文版 - 安裝程式解壓縮軟體

Universal Extractor
Universal Extractor
安裝程式解壓縮工具 - Universal Extractor,因為有一個程式的MSI包在InstallShield的EXE安裝程式裡,導致無法在中文作業系統安裝,而想要把他解壓縮出來,在「Nelson 的遊樂場」找到這個免費軟體,便順利將這該死又好笑的問題給解決了!(阿榮)(下載

[2010.05.18] 上次更新:2008/10/20。

Universal Extractor is a program do to exactly what it says: extract files from any type of archive, whether it's a simple zip file, an installation program, or even a Windows Installer (.msi) package.

1.6.1 (05/12/2010):
Added support for environmental variables (eg., specify %temp% for debug dir)
Added support for XZ compressed files and txz/tlz archives via 7-Zip
Added support for Windows Installer merge modules (.msm) via MsiX
Added support for NBH files via NBHextract
Added translations for Armenian, Czeck, Persian (Farsi), Serbian, Swedish
Changed 7-Zip unpacking behavior;
now attempts brute force extraction only after External PEiD scan;
change due to aggressive .exe resource extraction in new versions
Changed Windows installer support (.msi, .msp) to use MsiX instead of msi2xml
Changed LZMA support to use 7-Zip for extraction
Changed FEAD support to use PEiD rather than TrID for detection
Changed following formats to call 7z by name (also see 7-Zip debug comment):
bz2, chm, gz, tar, Z
this is mostly for code cleanup; functionality should be the same
Fixed InstallShield 5.x regression in 1.6 preventing successful extraction
Fixed bug in extraction of non-TAR LZW compressed files
Fixed bug that prevented picking files after toggling history option
Fixed bug in display of history combo boxes when no items listed
Fixed cosmetic bug in Visual C++ SFX status dialog
Fixed cosmetic bug in status dialogs due to extra padding by AutoIt
Removed lzma helper binary
Removed msi2xml helper binary and MSXML download link on MSI selection page
Removed Windows NT 4.0 support from installer
Removed debug output for 7-Zip, arj, hlp;
buffers output, preventing proper user feedback and input prompts
Updated success/fail detection to check output directory timestamp;
can detect cases where files are overwritten, which old method missed;
will still consider failed if user chooses not to overwrite files,
or if all files are written to a subdirectory of the output directory
Updated RPM and DEB support to extract interim CPIO and TAR files
Updated FEAD support to workaround read-only permission issue
Updated Zip support to log unzip output and permit minor reported unzip errors
Updated PEiD detection of Microsoft SFX cab files for more reliable extraction
Updated some UniExtract window sizes for better internationalization support
Updated translations for Italian, Korean, Russian
Updated 7-Zip to 9.13 beta
Updated AutoIt to and replaced deprecated _ArrayCreate UDF
Updated InfoZip unzip to 6.0.0
Updated Inno Setup to 5.3.9
Updated innounp to 0.31 (supports Inno Setup 5.3.9)
Updated InstallExplorer WCX to 0.9.2
Updated MSI WCX to 1.2.1
Updated PEiD to 0.95
Updated UnRAR to 3.93

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Friday, May 14, 2010

MSN/Windows Live Messenger Pure Patch Build 14.0.8117

MSN/Windows Live Messenger Pure Patch
MSN/Windows Live Messenger Pure Patch
MSN/Windows Live Messenger Pure Patch - 台製MSN去廣告程式,這支小程式以前叫作msnnoad,是可以同時支援新舊版的MSN去廣告小程式。(阿榮

針對最新版 WLM 的功能:
  • 連開 - 可同時開啟多個 MSN
  • 去除聯絡清單下方的廣告橫幅
  • 去除聯絡清單下方的搜尋列
  • 去除對話框下面的文字廣告
  • 去除對話框下面的搜尋按鈕
  • 允許傳送任何類型的檔案
  • 去除「共享資料夾」對話框下方的文字廣告
  • 去除電腦裡自動產生的「我的共用資料夾」
支援的 MSN 版本:
6.1.0155, 6.1.0203, 6.1.0207, 6.1.0211,
6.2.0133, 6.2.0137, 6.2.0205, 6.2.0208,
7.0.0777, 7.0.0813, 7.0.0816, 7.0.0820,
7.5.0160, 7.5.0162, 7.5.0244, 7.5.0299, 7.5.0303, 7.5.0306, 7.5.0311, 7.5.0319, 7.5.0322, 7.5.0324,
8.0.0787, 8.0.0792, 8.0.0812,
8.5.1235, 8.5.1238, 8.5.1288, 8.5.1302 (8.5 Final)
14.0.8050 (2009 Final), 14.0.8064, 14.0.8089, 14.0.8117

[2010.02.27] 2009.10.04 作者更新了防毒軟體誤判的問題,感謝讀者「YCLin」通知。

MSN/Windows Live Messenger Pure Patch (formerly msnnoad)
MSN/Windows Live Messenger Pure Patch makes MSN/Windows Live Messenger pure and clean. It's universal!
Allows multi-open (polygamy)
Remove main bottom ad
Remove top Messenger title (string) (MSN Messenger 7 only)
Remove MSN Today button (MSN Messenger 7 only)
Remove left tab (MSN Messenger 7 only, Note 1)
Remove bottom Add Contact button (MSN Messenger 7 only)
Remove bottom MSN search bar (Windows Live Messenger 8 only)
Remove text ad at bottom of dialog window
Remove the search button in dialog window (Windows Live Messenger 8 only)
Remove file transfer protection (allows you to send or receive any file type, Windows Live Messenger 8 only)
Remove nudge delays (allows you to spam nudges, Windows Live Messenger only)
Remove share folder bottom text ad (Windows Live Messenger only)
Remove share folder in my computer (Windows Live Messenger only)
(Apply to MSN 6 only first 2 features)
Note 1: for Windows Live Messenger: Tools / Options / Tabs / Hide tabs
Note 2: MSNPP MAY NOT support Windows Vista 64 now

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Thursday, May 13, 2010

酷!學園 - 免費中文化入門課程 - 5/22 (六)


1. 認識中文化/本地化
2. 各種中文化類型
3. 中文化工具介紹
4. 中文化資源
5. 用語、標點與翻譯規範
6. 翻譯的責任
7. 參考資料


2010年05月22日 (星期六)
下午 14:00 ~ 17:00


搭高鐵的朋友,欲搭乘大眾運輸系統,可搭乘 H32公車,請參考此篇文章



P.S 會後都會有聚餐,歡迎各位加入我們一起吃吃喝喝^^

※本文由讀者「酷學園台南窗口 - CYJ」來信,阿榮免費贊助刊登(阿榮去上過台大SpamAssassin)。(2010.05.14)

Monday, May 10, 2010

MyAccountant 2 Ribbon 2.0.7 Beta 免安裝中文版 - 免費個人記帳軟體

MyAccountant 2 Ribbon
MyAccountant 2 Ribbon
免費個人記帳工具 - MyAccountant 2 Ribbon,作者因為女友的一張罰單而興起了設計這個軟體的念頭,可以幫你記錄收支情形,有好用的報表匯出功能(支援Word、Excel、HTML、CSV格式),也可以將支出以圓餅圖來顯示。(阿榮)(下載

[2010.04.18] 感謝作者「熊熊鐵金鋼」提供作品,另外,作者公開徵求中文軟體名稱。


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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

色胚子 ColorBase 4.2 - 選色軟體

色胚子 ColorBase
色胚子 ColorBase

[2010.05.05] 上次更新2009/5/13。

4.2 更新記錄:
修正了 Windows 7 於螢幕取色後,主視窗變成白色。


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