Friday, June 26, 2009

[USB警察] USB Cop 1.0 Alpha 1 - 阻止autorun.inf自動執行

[USB警察] USB Cop
[USB警察] USB Cop
USB Cop – USB病毒防治工具,用最簡單的原理來防治USB的Autorun病毒,autorun.inf是觸發病毒的主要媒介,一般來說,是將電腦的Autorun功能關閉,但關閉了之後,雖然可以防止Autorun病毒,卻也將每次插入USB後自動開啟檔案總管給關閉了,對於常常使用USB的電腦,不免帶來不便;這個小軟體帶來了兩全其美的解決方案,首先,它可以阻止及攔截autorun.inf的執行,插入含有autorun.inf的USB時,自動把autorun.inf抓出來讓你檢視是否安全,插入沒有autorun.inf的USB時,自動開啟檔案總管。(阿榮)(阿正老師推薦)()(下載

The Autorun.inf-file is unsafe, but turning it off is uncomfortable and does not protect other computers. This program does. And it also performs certain actions when a USB-Stick is plugged in, so you won't loose functionality.


1.0 Alpha 1
Changes: Now autorun files that have certian suspicious file attributes do not cause an alert, but make the program display a warning in the normal window instead. List view of the devices is now availible.


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Monday, June 15, 2009

種子間諜 TorrentSpy 免安裝中文版 - BT種子可用性檢查

種子間諜 TorrentSpy
種子間諜 TorrentSpy
TorrentSpy - BT種子檢測工具,只要把「*.torrent」檔案拖放到該軟體,就可以偵測出有多少人已完成下載、多少人下載中,以當作是否下載的參考。(阿榮)(中文化作者推薦)(下載

The intent behind TorrentSpy is to give the BitTorrent power-user all the information they can get in one place. The primary motivating feature is the ability to see in real time the current number of complete/incomplete users on a torrent. The other neat feature is the ability to see which of your files in a multi-file torrent are complete and which are not. It can easily be set up to work as the default .torrent application, so that you will always know the status before you start your download. It gives you quick shortcuts to related Tracker web interfaces, and it's got a smattering of other fine features.


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Sunday, June 7, 2009

EverPix 數位相機驅動程式 20040519

EverPix 數位相機驅動程式
EverPix 66200」跟「EverPix 66250」簡易數位相機的驅動程式(露天拍賣有在賣!),由於讀者要求「協尋」此驅動程式,所以順便上傳,產品圖片取自原廠(P.S.原廠好像不是很喜歡台灣,明明就台灣人,網頁卻只有英文...)。(阿榮)()(下載

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