Wednesday, April 15, 2009

SPFDisk 2000-03v - 老牌磁碟分割軟體

SPFDisk是一支綜合了「硬碟分割工具(FDisk)」及「啟動管理程式(Boot Manager)」的軟體,在DOS模式下執行的程式,下載後點兩下程式,它會自己解壓縮,你可以把檔案丟進開機片去執行,當然這個時代用這個老古董來分割硬碟的已經不多了,不過,可以用來掃描是否有壞軌,然後把壞掉的磁柱避開切割,讓有壞軌的硬碟重生。(阿榮)(下載


[2009.04.16] 上次更新日期:2007/8/18。

[ 2000-3v 版 ]
1. 啟動管理程式-安裝在大容量硬碟時,多重開機可能遇上運算溢位而當機,在此版本已修正。
2. 啟動管理程式-密碼輸入畫面右下角框格不正常的問題。
3. 硬碟分割工具-當硬碟總磁柱數過大時,工作碟編號的顯示位置可能被擠出畫面。
1. 命令列參數-新增靜音模式參數。
1. 啟動管理程式工具─在主選單裡重複放置一個『預覽』功能的選項。


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Friday, April 10, 2009

FotoAlbum 1.2 免安裝中文版 - 數位相簿製作軟體

FotoAlbum - 台灣製造數位相簿製作工具,是支援Unicode的自由軟體,可以匯入本機相片、無名等網路相簿,跟Jalbum的功能類似,但功能較為陽春,可以直接產出相簿網頁(HTML)、直接將照片燒錄成光碟。(阿榮)()(下載


※注意:電腦必須有安裝「.NET Framework 2.0」才可以執行此程式!

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Wednesday, April 8, 2009

WinMEnc 0.81 Beta 免安裝中文版 - 免費影片轉檔軟體

WinMEnc - 免費影片轉檔工具,以著名轉檔工具mencoder為核心,可以把AVI、VCD、DVD、RM/RMVB、MP4轉成AVI、DVD 及 MPEG1、MPEG2、DivX、Xvid、H264等格式,加上mp4 muxer的幫助還可以轉出MP4檔。Mencoder是強大的命令列影音轉檔工具,作者集合一些免費的資源,把編碼工具都包在資料夾理,所以用這套來轉檔,不會跟現有的Codec相衝,也不用再裝Codec,雖然有些地方差強人意,不過,算是目前阿榮玩過最優質的免費影片轉檔工具了!內建中文語系。(阿榮)()(下載

[2009.04.05] 上次更新 2007/7/2

WinMEnc is the free GUI frontend of mencoder. It can convert any media format to the AVI file with the format of mpeg1/mpeg2/DivX/Xvid/H264, etc.

0.81 (2009-04-08)
Fixed: speed/quality control index problem
Fixed: job status progress cannot complete
Fixed: priority dropdownlist problem
Added: two new profiles, Film-to-NTSC and Film-to-PAL
Added: preset values for subtitle font and subtitle font language extension
Fixed: priority not set for all jobs, except the first one
Removed: video filter "telecine"
0.80 (2009-04-04)
Changed: deinterlace filter from "kerndeint" to "yadif"
Added: drag and drop multiple files to job list
Changed: unicode support for GUI interface
Changed: code review and rewrite of GUI layout and profile
Added: real-time change of language interface
Fixed: startup problem of the system without cd/dvd-rom drive
Added: direct output as formats mp4, flv, mkv, wmv
Added: batch job list management
Changed: add time delay to job monitor, improve encoding speed
Added: video filter "telecine"
Added: speed and quality control option for video encoding
Added: gamma, contrast, brightness and saturation video filter (-vf eq2)


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Sunday, April 5, 2009

VMware Server 2.0.1

Begin enjoying the benefits of server virtualization with the free VMware Server. VMware Server installs on any existing server hardware and partitions a physical server into multiple virtual machines by abstracting processor, memory, storage and networking resources, giving you greater hardware utilization and flexibility. Streamline software development and testing and simplify server provisioning as you utilize the ability to "build once, deploy many times.

[Release Notes] [Register]

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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Ad-Aware SE Personal 1.06r1 免安裝中文版(定義檔 2009.03.30)

Ad-Aware SE Personal
Ad-Aware SE Personal
Ad-aware可以對您的記憶體、登錄檔、硬碟機、抽取式磁碟機、光碟機進行綜合掃瞄,以查驗已知的資料挖掘、入侵性廣告、追蹤元件,從而增強使用者上網衝浪的自信心,免除他們對其私隱保護的後顧之憂。 讓Ad-aware來保護您的私隱吧!(下載

[2007.06.08] 雖說支援Vista,但掃瞄完畢後,出現程式錯誤而關閉!(畫面
[2007.06.21] 版還是有上述問題。
[2007.06.29] 版,直接按「Cancel」略過註冊即可使用免費版功能,軟體設計越來越有「收網」的味道,介面越來越不堪入目,忍不住要大推一下 1.06 舊版!另外,Vista 掃瞄完畢後,出現程式錯誤而關閉的 Bug 終於解決了。
[2008.07.11] 程式開啟時載入定義檔稍久,約要停留 15 秒。
[2009.04.02] 官方消息:2009.03.31起終止提供「Ad-Aware SE」系列的定義檔!這個版本應該是也是阿榮釋出的最終版!(感謝匿名讀者提供訊息)

關鍵字:Ad-Aware SE Personal 中文版

[教學] [1.06 最新定義檔]

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ALPass 2.8 - 密碼管理軟體

你用過RoboForm嗎?ALPass是一套類似的免費密碼管理工具,可以把個人的一堆帳號、密碼全部用這個小工具加密儲存起來,下次瀏覽到該登入畫面時,便會跳出你的帳號密碼,若想要更為自動化一點,「Tools→Preferense」裡的Auto Fill、Auto Login選項可以打勾,就可以點一下清單裡的網頁名稱,便會自動幫你完成:前往登入頁面、自動填表、自動登入的動作,安裝前可以選擇USB安裝或者本機安裝,也就是可以帶著一支儲存著你的所有帳號密碼的USB趴趴走,不過,累人的是–你得一一輸入所有登入資訊,而且它只支援IE瀏覽器。(阿榮)()(下載

[2007.10.11] 當你用 USB 的安裝方式安裝時,一旦你把資料夾位置移動,介面就會變成韓文。
[2009.04.01] 上次更新日期:2007-08-24

Free for home users, ALPass is the best and easiest way to securely store logins and passwords for all your online memberships and subscriptions.
NEW: USB Drive and iPod support! - Install ALPass to any removeable storage device like your iPod, a USB drive, or even your digital camera! Take ALPass with you - anywhere - with any device!

Try ALPass and see for yourself:
* Automatic - Login to websites in 1 click
* Unlimited Logins - Add login IDs and passwords for unlimited sites
* Consolidated - Add, edit, delete and manage logins in 1 easy centralized place
* Safe & Secure - Strong encryption (3DES) keeps your information safe
* Intuitive - Clean and easy to use intuitive interface
* Backups - Backup and restore encrypted login databases
* Portable - Export encrypted databases to use on other computers
* Customizable - Set browser integration preferences
* Unlimited Users - Secure for unlimited users on the same computer, even with the same login
* Show or Hide Passwords - Mask passwords with asterisks (*) or display them in plain text
* Intelligent - Auto prompts you to add new sites with configurable settings
* Auto log out - Set auto log out time limits for added security
* 100% Free - Free from adware, free from spyware, and free for personal and commercial use

### ALPass 2.8 ###
1. Added: Online Update

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