Friday, February 27, 2009

俠客密碼檢視器 4.5.20090205 繁體中文免安裝版 - 星號密碼破解工具

俠客密碼檢視器 - 密碼查看工具,主要是可以看星號密碼、撥號密碼、IE自動完成密碼,比較特別的是–可以清除BIOS密碼。(阿榮)(電電推薦)()(下載




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氣象PDA 1.0 - 顯示氣象局PDA網頁

氣象PDA - 氣象查詢小工具,方便開啟氣象局PDA網頁:「」,作者「電電」提供。(阿榮)()(下載

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Thursday, February 26, 2009

阿榮懶人包 – NirSoft萬用密碼工具 2009.02.27

阿榮懶人包 – NirSoft萬用密碼工具
阿榮懶人包 – NirSoft萬用密碼工具

IE PassView微軟Internet Explorer瀏覽器
Protected Storage PassViewInternet Explorer、Outlook Express、MSN Explorer
Mail PassView郵件用戶端軟體
PstPasswordOutlook PST檔
Remote Desktop PassView遠端桌面
Asterisk Logger星號密碼(如:FTP軟體)

[教學 + 雜誌原稿]


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Friday, February 20, 2009

GMail Backup 0.107 免安裝版 - GMail郵件備份還原軟體

GMail郵件備份還原工具 - GMail Backup,最重要的特色就是可以自訂要備份的日期,起始的年月日、結束的年月日,有別於用POP收信來備份,僅可以選擇所有郵件或新進郵件;其備份方式是將每一封信下載成用日期、時間來編號的*.eml檔,可以用Outlook Express直接開啟信件。(阿榮)()(下載

This program is aimed to backup and restore of your GMail mailbox. You will need to activate the IMAP access to your mailbox, to do so, please open your GMail settings and under POP/IMAP tab activate this option.

The messages are stored in the local directory in files which names follow the format YYYYMMDD-hhmmss-nn.eml where YYYY is the year, MM the month number, DD is the day number, hh are hours, mm are minutes and ss are seconds when the e-mail was SENT. For the case there is more emails with the same timestamp there is the number nn which starts with value 1. Label assignment is stored in the file labels.txt which is the plain text file and it pairs the emails stored in the file described above with the assigned labels.

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Thursday, February 19, 2009

JLanTalk 0.71 中文版 - 區域網路傳訊工具

辦公室不能上MSN,卻需要類似MSN的軟體和同事溝通嗎? JLanTalk可以透過區域網路讓你/妳和同事聊天或談公事。而且支援多人聊天,討論事情更方便了!()(下載

大部分區域網路的通訊軟體使用起來都不太方便,而且和MSN的感覺差太遠,總是覺得沒有聊天的感覺。JLanTalk支援原本net send的協定,就算對方不是使用JLanTalk也可以傳送訊息。



PS. 本來是寫給自己用的。不過同事也很有興趣,功能就越寫越多。我想這個軟體應該也能帶給很多人方便,所以分享出來讓大家一起使用 :)(Chiwei Li

[2008.09.23] 感謝作者 Chiwei Li 的分享,軟體介面看起來滿簡潔的。
[2008.09.26] 新增多國語系支援,已知有繁體中文跟英文。
[2008.10.03] 新增檔案傳送功能、匯入/匯出功能,作者公開徵求多國語系翻譯。
[2009.02.19] 感謝priwau通知改版訊息。

JLanTalk is a MSN-like application which let you talk to your friends/colleagues in the same local network.
JLanTalk uses 「net send」 compatible protocol to communicate, so even your friends don't have JLanTalk, he/she can still get your message. Of course, using JLanTalk is much easier than type 「net send」 commands.
Most important, JLanTalk is Freeware. You can use and share freely for no charge.


1. MSN-like talking interface
JLanTalk has a MSN-style user interface, let you feel more like you are talking with another rather than just sending messages.

2. Contact management
You can give your friend a more familiar nick name, rather than a laborious computer name or account.

3. 「net send」 compatible
JLanTalk is 「net send」 compatible. You can talk with them even if they don't have JLanTalk as long as they can receive 「net send」 messages.

4. Chat history
JLanTalk can record your chattings for looking back later.

5. Group chatting
JLanTalk have chatrooms to let you & your friends chatting in the same room simultaneously.

6. Emotions support
Now, you can use emotions in while you're chatting.

7. File Transfer support
You can send file to another one using JLanTalk. The only thing you need to do is drag the file into the chat panel. The receiver will see a file icon appear and he/she can click that icon to start transferring file!

8. Import/Export Contacts
When there are many contacts in your JLanTalk, you can export the contacts list for backup. You can also share this list with your friends. They can import the list and don't necessary need to input individual contact manually.

9. Multi-Language Support
Languages supported :

* English
* Chinese (Traditional)

version 0.71:
1. fix bug: Chinese Input Method with JRE 6 update 10
2. fix bug: retrieve the version of counterpart only once

※注意:電腦必須有安裝「Java Runtime Environment (JRE)」才可以執行此程式!

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Friday, February 13, 2009

KuViewer 0.03.2 免安裝中文版 - 支援Unicode的看圖軟體

KuViewer - 支援Unicode的台製「純」看圖軟體,作者自稱不熟秀圖程式設計,所以純粹就只是秀圖功能,只多了多分頁、圖片翻轉功能,內建英文、繁體中文、簡體中文介面,但起碼可以滿足「Unicode秀圖」的需求,瀏覽時使用鍵盤的「Page Up」、「Page Down」來切換「上一張圖片」、「下一張圖片」會比較方便。(阿榮)(下載

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