Tuesday, June 24, 2008

PocketMusic 5.3.3 - PDA MP3播放


PocketMusic is the most popular MP3 player for Pocket PC. PocketMusic is available for free.

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Saturday, June 14, 2008

Movica Beta 6.6 免安裝中文版 - 免費影片切割合併軟體

免費影片切割/合併工具 – Movica,支援WMV、MPG、FLV格式的影片檔之切割(Split)、合併(Join),不僅是自由軟體,在國外也有高度的評價,支援多國語系。(阿榮)()(下載

[2008.04.13] 目前官方僅有簡體中文語系,感謝讀者好力克提供原創繁中語系!

A graphical editor for Windows Media (.wmv), MPEG files and FLV movies. Select or delete multiple portions from a video file. The system lets you copy, paste and fine tune the selections. Also supports joining and splitting of video/movie files.


※注意:電腦必須有安裝「.NET Framework 2.0」才可以執行此程式!

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TopStyle Lite 3.5 - CSS編輯工具

TopStyle Lite
TopStyle Lite
老牌CSS編輯工具 - TopStyle Lite,由目前已大名鼎鼎的NewsGator所出品,是最早針對CSS編輯所設計的一套軟體,功能設計讓人駕輕就熟,並有預覽窗格,供你即時預覽編輯後的編排呈現效果。(阿榮)(下載

TopStyle Lite is a free version of TopStyle that contains an extremely small subset of the features found in the Pro version of TopStyle. Most importantly, TopStyle Lite is strictly a simple CSS editor, whereas TopStyle Pro is a full-blown XHTML, HTML and CSS editor. However, if all you want is a very basic CSS editor, TopStyle Lite will serve you very well.

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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

BartPE Builder 3.1.10a 免安裝中文版 - 開機光碟製作工具

BartPE Builder
BartPE Builder
開機光碟製作工具 - BartPE Builder,可以將一些網卡驅動程式包進去開機光碟,例如:True Image 不支援的網卡驅動程式,可以用 Acronis True Image plug-in for BartPE 搭配這套免費軟體來將驅動程式打包進去。(阿榮)(下載

BartPE vs. Windows PE?

* BartPE is not supported by Microsoft. Windows PE is an official Microsoft product.
* BartPE has a graphical user interface. Windows PE has a command line interface.
* The tools needed to make a BartPE installation are free software. Windows PE is available only to Microsoft OEM users.
* BartPE allows unlimited custom plugins. Windows PE has a limited range of plugins options.

What is the technical difference between BartPE and Windows PE?

* Target - Microsoft sees Windows PE as an installation platform. Bart sees Windows PE as the next generation rescue platform.
* Start-menu - Bart's builder gives you a simple, dynamic and powerful start-menu (Nu2Menu, see screenshots). Microsoft's builder does not give you a start-menu, it uses a command prompt.
* Build from - Bart's builder can also build from Windows XP Home Edition or from a preinstalled Windows XP version (without CD).
* Plugins - With PE Builder you can easily add applications, drivers or tools using plugins. This makes PE Builder extremely powerful. The end user can even combine plugins from different software vendors into one CD image.
* Network support - PE Builder includes its own network support tools (bartpe/penetcfg) to start TCP/IP and Microsoft Client. The TCP/IP settings like: dynamic/static ip-address, subnet-mask, default gateway, dns-servers computer-name, workgroup can be changed on-the-fly. You can create pre-defined profiles, that you can select. Microsoft Windows PE only supports DHCP or fixed settings using winbom.ini.
Also there is a plugin (NwDskPe) created by Erwin Veermans that loads the Netware Client on BartPE (IP/IPX).
* Fileshare - BartPE can start File Sharing support so you can connect to the system through a share.
* VNC - Because of the File Sharing support you can also run UltraVNC.
* Dos support - Bart's builder has a plugin called "dospe".
* License - Microsoft Windows PE is only for Enterprise/OEM customers (see previous), BartPE is for everybody!
* 64-Bit - Bart's builder does not support Windows 64-bit editions.

Requirements to build:

1. The files from your Windows Installation CD-Rom.
Supported Windows versions are:
* Windows XP Home Edition (must be slip streamed with Service Pack 1 or higher)
* Windows XP Professional (must be slip streamed with Service Pack 1 or higher)
* Windows Server 2003, Web Edition
* Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition
* Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition
2. PE Builder runs on Windows 2000/XP/2003/BartPE systems.
3. CD/DVD writer if you want to creat a bootable CD/DVD.

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Thursday, June 5, 2008

趙老師系統修復包 3.2 硬碟版

趙老師(老師一看就是古董級的資訊界老鳥...)以「讓英文不好的人也可以自己重灌電腦」的理念為出發點,製作了 - 趙老師系統修復包,利用 Ghost、開機選單、Windows PE 的原理,設計了這個很貼心的軟體,可以幫你作系統備份跟還原,不過,安裝之前務必把說明文件詳細閱讀一遍,不然不懂得怎麼操作。趙老師站上還有其他版本可以下載,這邊放的是一般版的硬碟版。(阿榮)()(下載


1. 本軟體屬私人研究性質,不可有營利之行為。
2. 其包含的版權軟體僅供學習試用,禁止散佈。

《 Grub4Dos 》屬於 GRUB for DOS Team
《MouseDos》屬於 Mouse Studio Team
《無名資訊 WinXPE》屬於 無名資訊團隊
《老九+老毛桃 XPE 》屬於 老九&老毛桃
《雨林木風 WinXPE》屬於 雨林木風團隊

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Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Monday, June 2, 2008

Asterisk Logger 1.04 免安裝中文版 - 顯示星號密碼

星號密碼回復工具 – Asterisk Logger,許多程式如:FTP 軟體、VNC、IncrediMail、Outlook Express...等等,都會把你輸入的密碼作像這樣「******」的星號保護,但是,久而久之你習慣了不必輸入密碼,也把當初了密碼給忘記了,而這支小程式就是為了解決你這方面的困擾而設計的,它可以把星號保護的密碼顯示出來,並會顯示是那個程式所使用的密碼,幫助你找回遺忘的密碼!(阿榮)(下載

Many applications, like CuteFTP, CoffeeCup Free FTP, VNC, IncrediMail, Outlook Express, and others, allows you to type a password for using it in the application. The typed password is not displayed on the screen, and instead of the real password, you see a sequence of asterisk ('****') characters. This utility can reveal the passwords stored behind the asterisks in standard password text-boxes.



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